Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Malaysia dropped 0.2 points to 5.0 among the 146 countries surveyed in 2004, according to the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Malaysia was positioned at 39 with a score of 5 out of 10. In 2003, Malaysia was ranked 37 in a survey covering 133 countries, having scored 5.2 out of 10. What happen to the index for 2007..the answer its worse than the smell of @#$%…(enough said!)

Some useful Chronologies..

Penulis dakwa polis, ahli politik mahu sekat edaran buku mengenai Khir Toyo
3:18pm Wed Apr 06, 2005
Author: Police and politicians after me

12:00pm Wed Apr 06, 2005 Laporan polis terhadap MB S'gor kerana didakwa gagal tunai janji

06:47pm Mon Apr 04, 2005 Police report against Khir poyo over "promised land

05:05pm Mon Apr 04, 2005 Bukit Cahaya: Lawyer says PM can act against MB

12:28pm Sat Mar 19, 2005 "Give homes to the poor, not bungalows for excos

06:23pm Wed Mar 16, 2005 Lutfi: Still no news from ACA on reports against Khir

06:17pm Mon Mar 14, 2005 Teng: State assembly did not approve budget for bungalows

03:25pm Fri Mar 11, 2005 Pemuda PAS akan mengadap Sultan S'gor minta Khir Toyo dipecat

2008: Khir poyo lost his post as CM of Selangor.. ( fuhh..finally!!..the tempe effect has taken its toll)....

sing along ...(empatbelas haribulan tiga, dua ribu lapan, haribulan Selangor Merdeka...merdeka..merdeka!!!)

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