Thursday, April 17, 2008

Good Governance GG :)

Recent elections have been followed by governmental paralysis and corruption..( Nevermind the SPR). I must confess, there is good and evil out there. There is also competence and incompetence, and that make s a crucial difference in developing country i.e. Malaysia. Beneath the surface there was an undercurrent of concern. Even the UM NO optimists admitted that many problems were festering - especially rising income inequalities, rising prices, rising crimes++ and abuse of power.

A recent shift in political orientation is likely to prompt an equally important pro-opposition, swing in the pendulum of economic power, with the opposition coalition now in the control of 5 states, Malaysia is rising up its potential again. Among the topics now on the table are increased minimum wages, higher taxes on the energy industry, unsuccessful RMK-9++++ and better security and welfare. These are the early warning sign of the looming shift in Malaysia reward structure, away from the corrupted governance going to nation development and back toward the welfare of Malaysians.

The biggest risk is the rising threat of protectionism and cronyism, i.e. politicians throughout UMNO, GLC and umno-related backbencher’s business entrepreneur view this power shift as a serious threat to their income securities (and I must say, they were all pessimist) . To retain power, the main political party overlooks the paradigm shift of power towards extremism and “ Ketuanan Melayu akan disanggah” and a foreclosure of their “periuk nasi” i.e. source of income, and they are still resisting the political climate change.

The basic problem confronting the development world of “Malaysia today” is not an absence of democracy but an absence of governance….This is the CANCER that eating away at the lives of people across Malaysia.

Wealth and poverty has always co-existed, uneasily in Malaysia. Its affluent elites and self-satisfied cities , whether left or right, KL or JB , Penang or KK, have never shown much concern for the plight of those on the streets, national development and its people welfare. (e.g. forgotten victims of rimba jaya). In the future, I foresee that a “bloody” revolt will come along to jolt the nation into reality. Today of course, elections suppose to bring change without the intercession of the street. But these days, it is fair to ask: is politics delivering?

Malaysia and I are yearning for a strong leader, especially in such unpredictable times as these. It is the new age of turbulence revolution!

Today, by contrast, payments on Malaysia’s debt absorb virtually every cents of taxes, be it income tax or whateva tax revenue – leaving nothing to build new mega projects, hospitals and schools except by borrowing. After facing the deepest financial crisis (1997) , the question is whether a new generation of Malaysian leaders can arise – creative and charismatic type of people who can help build a new Malaysia alongside Tun mahathir’s compelling vision of 2020.

What kind of leadership does the nation need to lift itself out of the trap of low growth, high unemployment and high crimes persisting over the past Pak Dozy regime.????

Radical reform is clearly the answer. It should begin with a new doctrine of separations of powers ( honest elites and “Raja” must play their part too!), drawing a clear line between financial freedoms and individual economic choice,. While promising the Malaysians: Happiness, jobs, houses, social order, not to mention protection from everything they don’t like – crime, illegal immigration and poverty.

We don’t want a leader who think of himself as a reformer and constantly talks about amending vision that inhibit himself..( cari Ghazali konon..tahu la bapak kau ulamak..tapi kau dalam semak..wah wahh wahh)..He talks about GDP growth, but I don’t see it. Maybe the bankers and the corporates are doing well, but constructions and nations welfare development has not been. I am worse off now than 1997. Pity me : (

I fully understand that things are not quite that simple but what The people of Malaysians and the citizen of the world want are :- )

1. Increase the quality of governance with the emphasis on public sector reforms
2. Accountability and transparency in public service
3. Better standard of living
4. Better state of welfare and subsidy
5. High class education
6. Better standard of health
7. Uncompromising security and protection
8. Combating and eradicate corruption and abuse of power
9. Better legal and judicial system
10. Human rights is respected
11. Code of conduct in managing the affairs of states
12. Economic liberalism which constitute more investment
13. Better transportation..(he he..this is my only opinion)

So what is Governance???Governance defined as a management of society by the people or as the exercise of the authority to manage a country’s affair and resources. The perspective regarding governance structure is the relationship between “government i.e. authority” and the people’s interest. The quality and effectiveness of governance is crucial to national prosperity. Therefore good performance in terms of governance raises the likelihood of academic research and being eligible for aid which covers all of the standard elements of a political, judicial, economic, the people’s welfare and administrative nature. It is becoming increasingly complex to manage the public interest and service because these issues are becoming more national and involving stakeholder, that is why the people must be involve in deciding the policy-issue. So, we better watch out for the enemy of the good governance in Bribery, nepotism, lack of public accountability, corruption and the capture of public services by elites i.e. Capitalist and opportunist.

Money has never been a problem! The only problem is the corrupted governance!

Political issue has never been a problem! The only problem is the “imbecile” politicians who manipulated it!

Fortune and wealth has never been a problem! The only problem is the “greedy” people like former CM of Selangor!

The president has never been a problem! The only problem is lack of code and conduct to choose the right one! Having said that, I suppose future president of Malaysia must be elected bases on his merit, track-record, attitude, action-oriented, hard working, intelligent, charismatic, modest and able to make a good decision, willing to work overtime and the most important thing is, you must look at his CV first!. It takes time to choose the right leader and Malaysia will never have to face the sort of S@#t of Pak Dozy incompetence administration if we give Tun Mahathir the right time to choose his successor. All of Tun Mahathir’s hard work and vision has turned backwards now. Who to blame? Of course we are to blame! Our impatience has caused our nation dearly! ( Nasib baik lah Malaysia ni tak tergadai! )..

Think of it in the bigger picture : Without the new Malaysia, ASEAN will remain stuck 4eva!


MD said...

"The basic problem confronting the development world of “Malaysia today” is not an absence of democracy but an absence of governance….This is the CANCER that eating away at the lives of people across Malaysia."

You are spot on. While every Malaysian try to survive in these difficult times, the government is busy arguing and politicizing the constitutional contracts agreed upon by everybody 50 years ago.

We should be worry on our future for the next 50years !

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