Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Don't cry for me Rimba Jaya

who want to know the truth?

yes..put your hands down now..It is becoming an "open secret" that all the prime media blackout on this Squatter issue!..and any high class coruption and abuse of power for that matter..Nowadays the truth can only be told in You Tube..I thank god for the existence of "you tube".

To know the truth one must go deep below the surface..here it comes!

Actually, this village ( Kg Rimba Jaya) has been given the land title from the late Sultan of Selangor to be developed by the "city settler" (1955)..At that time,,Shah Alam doesn't even exist..! I even saw the" jawi document " of it..when that jawi document was sent to Land District office for land reclamation,,( you can guess what happen next)..To my surprise, there are several private parties claiming the right for rimba jaya..and that included this one "Bankrupt" chinese bussinessman..for those who don't believe me, it won't bother me much..rest assured..you can see all the relevant document at Padang Mahsyar..the similar document was bestowed to the resident of Kg pasir..but the authority ( DBKL) questioned its legitimacy!

This is a classic example of greeds.

The former Selangor state administration has made a big mistake by invoking law and order of regulation 10 of the Emergency Ordinance before exhausting other procedures under the Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974 and Town and Country Planning Act 1976. Currently the notorious Essential (Clearance of squatters) Regulations 1969 is used rampantly to demolish and evict settlers. These Emergency law is used as it is easy to execute and give little chance to the settlers to fight back legally. This is a new order that only favour the Capitalist which make no sense at all (dah la berat sebelah plk tu). The state always favour the state coffers rather than the welfare of rakyat. On 12 March 2007, the former CM Mohd Khir Toyo decided to comfirm the status of 3,700 illegal factory in Selangor jurisprudence. Furthermore, the factory owner will be given 50% discount fee for the to change of their land premium factory status ( what? why are you so generous on these factory?hhmmm...must be the money..is it?). It is not hard to think about the ever-so-well-relationship between the factory owner and the state Exco.

In contrast with the housing of city settler i.e" peneroka miskin," Factory built without proper planning (i.e. certificate of fitness), without the investigation and affirmation of Jabatan Alam Sekitar and other relevant government agency. .These 3700 factory polluted the environment and pose a security threat to the resident nearby. But, as usual,,everything can be sorted out between the Capitalist and the authority. The one that suffered are the rakyat of working class and "golongan miskin peneroka ".

On 4 April 2007, as much as 300 urban/city settlers from 12 villages - Kampung Rimba Jaya, Kampung Sri Kenangan, Kampung Papan, Kampung Fajar, Kampung Dato Harun, Kampung Chubadak, Kampung Spooner, Kampung KTM, Kampung DBI dan Kampung Sungai Siput - gathered in front of the palace of justice in Putrajaya to claim their right as a urban/city settler..but to no avail..

This is for you khir toyo..Kemarahan kami sudah tidak bertepi lagi..

we are not the 20% minority group!!!we are the last vanguard group of Rimba Jaya,,you cheated and tricked about 700 families of Kg Rimba Jaya through our bad ketua kampung..not only that you tricked them..after that you gave the order to smash the remaining 200 houses, a Surau and a Temple..without a court order!!!

I cannot do nothing less now Khir..!We as Kg Rimba Jaya villagers were developing this village for ages right after the land title was given by the late sultan of Selangor..and now you took it all away from us under the name of development.. I had expressed my concern with this "0- squatter" issue when you were in the bussiness trip in london(2001)..Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best thing for me to do is to take a piss on your grave,,that is if you die before me..and if god take my life away before you..i'll ask my children to piss on your grave for 7 generation..

Oh..by the way khir.. i knew how much money you gave to our bad "ketua kampung" for every family that moved out to PPRT HICOM kampung subang..

" Take the evil out of the people and they will be acting right "


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