Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fear of uncertainty: from an Idealist tinkerman

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act...

I set on a journey to make a posting on my blog about whether or not there was a law requiring Malaysian (or any nationalities in this world ) to pay an income tax or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the "secret government" ?. There just too many case of irrelevant taxes in Malaysia ( or/in anyone else country for that matter ), don't you think malaysian??????????? ( people of the world???????? )...The process of discovery brought much more dangerous and frightening to my attention. It is not just the tax/zakat system itself…here it comes..

The small group of “corrupted and greedy” Jews banker and institution has slowly taking control over the world and has exert their authority to my beloved Malaysian government, the Jews understood whoever control the issue of money, “control” the government, such was the case with the United Stated of America. The decrease of currency value often occurs, the value of 1cent of 50 years ago its not the same value with 1cent of today. Our own country with no exception, encounters this situation as it is in the case that in 1997-1998. Malaysia government is slowly losing its grip to its nation because most politicians will sell their sold for a dollar. (Watch out for Tok Syeikh, KJ and Pak Dozy! They have befriended these Jews all along through their visionless foreign policy). I am most unhappy man, a once great industrial nation build by Tun Mahathir's vision is now slowly control by the system of credit. We are no longer a government by conviction and the vote of majority but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of corrupted dominant men..(and you alredyknow who they are!)..simple case study--> Sell the hospital to the jews and your hospital bill will increase!!!!, so what to do? Boycott that Hospital pantai!! yes..Boycott it!! only then we can establishe the "people power".

Think about it. Malaysians is slowly force to lower their standard of living by means that they are required to pay numerous tax/ufti/zakat . The power of tax is the power to destroy! Just think of how many tax you have to pay? From individual tax e.g. parking tax +++ to government tax e.g.road tax+ toll+etc. The list was endless, and most people just obey and pay. They do not see where the money goes and yet they submit to it..

The government of today (i.e. Pak Dozy and his 40 “hyenas” cronies ) response is quite cynical. The taxpayers money goes to the protection of our country for service e.g. education, military, national interest, national safeguard and protection and other nonsense service which we don’t see where the money goes for the benefit to the people of Malaysia. When we the "miskin" people say the economy is worsening i.e. the price of everything is increasing, then pak Dozy replies with the GDP of country is getting better, increasing 5 to 8% perannum..What the heck was that kind of answer???? you see all muslim,,in the golden Caliph Umar era, He went out at night to see his rakyat and he stumbled upon this mother, cooking Stones in a pot, pretending shes cooking, so that his daughter can fall asleep with an empty stomach.. I am saddened by the fact that yesterday 15 August 2008, I witnessed 360 documentary of Poor Young Muslim Malaysian mother scrapping for food in a “tong sampah” with a little help from his daughter. What happened to wang Zakat? Is it not enough to be circulated among the poors in Malaysia? ( Must be the Baitulmal management then )..huhhh..and you Pak Dozy, dont have to care for your people welfare ehh?? one less hungry mouth on the welfare..You see the new and old ways wasnt working, so its on to them to do what they have to,, to scrapping food in a trash!!

Wang Zakat in Malaysia suppose to be enough for its purpose if distribute equally! The Kafir has carbon copy the zakat system and change/integrate it into their tax system. The Jews hath even perfected the zakat i.e. tax system towards their father and grandfather dream to control the world. Worst case----> The al-saud family collected the zakat/tax from the pilgrimage i.e. hj and hjjh .It is circulated around 500Billion a year! The money is enough to help their counterpart Islamic nation e.g. to feed the neighbouring “famine” country of Sudan, to develop poor Islamic country and to assist their muslim's welfare.. It is a conspiracy at the highest level against Islam..the al-saud took the money for themselves and use it as they please. They ignored the welfare of muslims all over the world. The Islamic country needs a revolution now! We must topple the al-saud family created by the kaffir! (Lawrence of Arabia anyone? This f@#$%ng Lawrence succeded in his mission to divide the muslim into territorial means in middle east and gave the power of governance to al-saud and his family members..His corrupted family members also succeded to control the government in Yaman and UAE).(one more thought--> al-saud has granted the entry of Pork/babi to the holy land of arab Saudi for its American counterpart soldiers.)

Nevertheless, I want to get to the fundamental of this fraudulent “income tax system in Malaysia” it goes..

Tax…What is Tax/Zakat actually? The word “Income” defines --> Gains and profit, gains from activity. Mostly, It’s a gain from corporate activity.

"Tak cukupkah kita muslim bayar zakat setahun sekali and other zakat for that matter!"
I dont mind to pay an income tax, but there is just too much taxes around!!

I believe a man’s labour its his private property, when I work with somebody, it’s a trade, its an exchange..its like “ I do some work, you give me some money”. i.e. personal labour and other service are exchange for money or other forms of property..Nowadays Malaysian “ tax system” is a force to extract money from you! The Malaysian government through LHDN and +++ selectively audited taxpayers who were poor and vulnerable..e.g.The local council e.g. DBKL = when you owe them money , no matter what you have , they’ll take it away from you…Isn’t it? Loads of people have been abused!!.

How this happen? How do Malaysia transformed itself from truly free country, where individual right is protected by its constitutional really was not the case anymore..Anyway,,Do you know the law that we Malaysian have to pay an income tax.. if you know, Show it to me then..

The "Malaysian and World" rabbit hole goes deeper!

The government borrow money from private corporations/private bank using the name of “Malaysia state government MSG”. Then, government pays back to the “MSG” .The money that comes from the government to pay these corporation/private bank institution is the money that comes from you and me..The bigger picture is, Government works for private bank/institution, and the private bank/institution works for its owners i.e. the people of the top. The people at the top treat it like a “crab game”. They making a lot of money. Occasionally somebody at the table shoot each other. But the moment anything threatened their “Crab game” they all united to protect it. They were controlled by FINANCIAL ECONOMIC CORPORATE INTEREST. When the bank comes into the picture and forms partnership with government . the government then give legal power to bank, to create a bank issue/money/bond or whateva.
Most people spends the great bulk of their money for taxes, interest and inflation and all 3 source of money goes to the group that can prize this cartel and their “partner” and “government”. Its not coincidence.. Remember. The Jews are mastered in bribing people and most Malaysian politicians sell their soul for a Dollar.

Watch out for KJ..he is learning his trade in Journalism and Investment banking! From who? You may ask..

How to tackle this $#!t

The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and it greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save taxpayers immense sum of interest and money cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. When person borrows money, it make them servant for the lender. “Credit card industry give a lot of money for government “ and The private bank/institution created money out of thin air i.e. paper and plastic.

Originally paper or receipt was use and is evident of the money exist, Over the years of course has disconnected the paper from the actual tenderable substance which is money, so now we have a piece of paper which is evidence of..nothing

In the past, people were able to take their receipt and paper to the bank and get their real money.i.e. The gold in exchange of the receipt. This limited the amount of money that can be printed, thereby protecting the purchasing power

In the absence of gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through Inflation. There is no safe store of value.. Therefore Gold stands as a protector of property right!

The wide practice of riba by the using of printed money is considered as a weapon employed by the enemies of Islam to dominate the Muslim's economy. Besides that, this paper will on evolution of currency, the issues of the genuine money as well as the position of today's money is just a thin air...the small group of corrupted Jews has perfected the art of creating something from deception..

“The Islamic country can also create their own common currency. This should not belong to any country because it would give undue advantage to the country whose currency is accepted as the trading currency of the Islamic nationsRecently there was a proposal to create a gold dinar which can have specific value in the currencies of different Islamic countries. All the Islamic countries must have a share in the international Islamic dinar as a trade currency and as national reserves. The dinar must be in gold and not paper. How practical this will have to be dealt with later when the volume of trade becomes big. Effectively the use of the Islamic dinar will create an Islamic trading bloc. Such a trading bloc will be a powerful voice in International trading regimes and the shaping of the new financial architecture"Malaysia Prime Minister i.e. Tun Mahathir, 25 June 2001..

Sadly pak Dozy has abolished dinar emas. ( I just do not know what he is up to next?)

Case study--->As a consequence of currency crisis in Asia, in first of 1997, then Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Mahathir bin Mohamad proposed an introduction of Islamic gold dinar as currency for international trade in the "Muslim" world. It was supposed to suppress the too overly traded American dollar and ensure that dollar's instability does not affect international trade because Islamic gold dinar was to be tied to price of gold and thus provide stable value of the currency. Mahathir announced that Malaysia was to start using the dinar in mid-2003, but when in 2003 Pak Dozy replaced him as Prime Minister of Malaysia, this idea was halted full stop.

Say NO to paper!
“paper is poverty”
The corrupted Jews try to take Malaysian gold (lil by little)and in return give us paper!
Save the Malaysian the Malaysian gold!
Save the pahang gold! save the kelantan gold! save the johor gold! save the sarawak gold!
Stop shipping the gold to Uk and the USA for good!!!
Read history and you will understand that the Jews of yesterday are the evil forefathers of the even more evil Jews of today: infidels, falsifiers of words, calf worshippers, prophet murderers, deniers of prophecies ... the scum of the human race, accursed by Allah, who turned them into apes and pigs ... These are the Jews – an ongoing continuum of deceit, obstinacy, licentiousness, evil, and corruption
That’s why yesterday I saw at 360“Seorang ibu di Kuala Lumpur Cari Makanan Dlm Tong Sampah” ... you know what i mean? there are many people in malaysia living below poverty it in the city or the village.
here for some thought and inspiration,
" keuntungan hanya akan dinikmati diantara kaum kaya tanpa sedikit pun manfaat bagi kaum miskin " Riwayat at-Tarmidzi
Saba jela ..kiamat memang dah dekat pun!!

1 comment:

mckhoii said...

Hey there! Care to exchange blogroll links?
i'll add you after my techie plugin detects the link.


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