Friday, April 18, 2008

I am just a beggar with a "bowling bowls" vision

Malaysia has become a confusing place for many people who are trying to decipher through the mess of politics that is inherent in a peaceful country that touts democracy. I reckoned that when people are faced with making a decision without adequate information or with confusing information they will choose what they know. If someone appears to be honest or they speak in a tone or manner that makes sense then they will vote for that candidate/politicians( I was once like that..but not anymore!). In some cases people will simply vote for a candidate because they remember their name but do not have a clue what the candidates stand for, except the enligntened people. This means the process of democracy is breaking down.

It isn’t a formal method or system as outlined in the system but that those who control the government, control the police, hence control the country. I am ashamed to see that Tun Mahathir is being shunned away from the arena of Malaysian politics systematically (who's responsible here?), and I will say it again systematically!

As long as nobody monitoring the system, there will always somebody in the system who exploit it’s weakness.

Speaking about weakness in the system, there are loads of weaknesses in it. just massive!!!But, in this post I just want to get into just one detail, (just one detail only), which is the "corrupted politicians "whom manipulate the funds of “taxpayers money”. The topics is not that heavy, but it’s root goes deep!

First of all, we should not forget that there are nearly 100 useless “politicians” eligible for ridiculous allowances, so the total cost is a vast amount of money.The allowances allowed for “these monkey”, is absolutely ridiculous - would these politicians get this absurd allowances if they had a different job? That allowance alone is more than enough for sick and disabled people to receive to run a home on. Whilst the needy are expected to stay alive and pay all their bills , our politicians are skinning malaysians for millions in allowances, making the average cost to the taxpayer of 1 useless “politicians” for nearly RM10,000 perannum. Value for money? Don't make me spit - just look at the state of the country!
Likewise: how can the government justify spending more than RM2.1Million of taxpayers' money on a series of banquets and accommodation. Where was my share of the banquets? (bear in mind, it is just for one of Government machine, there r bucket loads of government ministry i.e. administration out there!). The thing that saddened me the most was whenPak Dozy has urged the people of malaysian not to rely on subsidy anymore. It hurt me to hear that. It's just not fair.

let me bring to ye attention of this Case study---->
Azalina Othman is a big shot at UMNO Wanita. Dato’ Seri Azalina Othman Said, the Chairperson of Women’s Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia (WSFFM) and her cronies, really know how to spend. But of course, using the rakyat money.

Financial statements published in annual reports never go into details, it is just a secret,

According to its website, the foundation is devoted to the empowerment of women through sports and fitness. The foundation, the website says, has pursued this goal from 1995 along with “our humble quest to enlighten women on the significance of sports and fitness as a national agenda”.It also says (reproduced verbatim): The chairperson of WSFFM, Dato’ Seri Azalina Othman Said, is a leader with a distinction, inspiring and is truly sincere in making a difference in women’s life. It’s indeed an honor for the Foundation to have the first woman Minister of Youth and Sports as our Chairperson. Dato’ Seri Azalina has always advocated unity and women empowerment through sports. She has motivated and enabled girls and women to reach greater heights. The realizations of her vision and strategic plans have already begun and been proven.But looking at the income and expenditure, one wonders whether these goals have been achieved. Let’s look at the income: The National Sports Council gave a grant of RM9.72 million and another RM1.5 million came from the Youth and Sports Ministry. There were two smaller amounts – RM200,000 from the Olivia Newton John concert and RM110,000 from Datuk Dina Rizal’s Sports Unite Sdn Bhd.No one will complain about that. But when the page is turned and the expenditure is listed out, one cannot but be aghast over how the money had been used. Before even one cent is spent, the question that should be foremost on the minds of the people, who are holding public money in trust should be: How will doing this help the sportswomen?
For purposes of easy reading and understanding of the issues involved, here’s where the bulk of the money went:
• Grants RM1.18 million
• Meals and Accommodation RM2.1 million
• Media and Advertising RM932,000
• Post and Production RM710,000
• Printing and Stationery RM710,000
• Rental of Equipment RM865,400
• Volunteers’ Allowances RM242,000
• Wages RM117,700
• Entertainment RM1.4 million
• Travelling and Transportation RM858,000

RM1.4 million for entertainment!. Those ladies really know how to enjoy. This is just outrageous! RM1.4 million is a lot of money and could be spend wisely to help the poor women at the “kampon”g.
But before anyone argues that this foundation is a non-governmental organisation and the media has no right to question how it spends money, let it be said that this foundation received more than RM11 million in taxpayers’ funds. Every right-thinking Malaysian must ensure that it is spent prudently and for the benefit of the rakyat and not on self-seeking or syiok sendiri projects.If meals, accommodation and entertainment accounted for 30% of the expenditure, then something is wrong with the system and no one cared for a basic principle called prudence.Besides, there’s an expenditure for shirts and uniform. Why should Public pay for these people to strut around in tailor-made shirts? Please tell me why they deserve to be given even clothes! Then there’re payments totalling RM250,000 as “gifts and condolences”. What the heck is this? Why is taxpayers’ money being used to buy such expensive gifts and messages of condolences?And it cost RM100,000 for the “upkeep of temporary secretariat. What? Then, there’s this payment of RM20,900 as “professional fee”. For what and to whom? What kind of professional services were rendered?Who did they entertain for RM1.4 million or who did they pay that sum of money for to be entertained? Of course not Newton-John because she performed at Genting which donated RM200,000 from the ticket sales. So, where did our money go?What could have been done with RM1.4 million? For a start, at least 1,000 of those who live below the poverty line could have received justa mere RM100 a month each in allowances for a year! At least 100's children with heart diseases could have gone for surgery without having to go on the streets with begging bowls.And imagine a handful of people entertaining or being entertained while the poor eat rice with” Ikan masin” as their only meal or while children continue to suffer, unable to afford treatment. Is it justified?If there’s nothing to hide, just open the books for public scrutiny. After all, our money was used. And to the National Sports Council: How did you approve such a sum of money for all these luxuries?Don’t forget, the allocation for sports is not for entertainment, shirts or meals. And the director-general and the board members owe a responsibility to the taxpayers by telling us the truth, but nothing but the truth.Spending millions of taxpayers’ money on entertainment and food is unforgivable and those responsible should be named and shamed!

But if Malaysians knew the truth, and would turn off their TVs an stop looking at the news perpetrated by tv3 and use that time instead to change this country, using the power of grassroots politics and start a new revolution.

Any group with the passion to change the world, one issue at a time, with a loving intent, can do it.

Now then, shall I suggest these “small” measure to be implement so that we know everything is good for the welfare of the needy and the nation development for that matter!

Progressive taxation---->where those with higher incomes pay virtually all of the taxes, is the creation of those who wish to achieve changes in our social order by redistribution of wealth…
We ain't going nowhere unless we share....( how many people has been blinded with fortune an wealth!..? )
"sharing is caring"
p/s: I do not mind at all if "them" do not want to share the pies. if you take "evil" out of people, they'll be acting right..
again,Tun Mahathir has spoken about a need for a “ presidential council” for the new Malaysia. That is just superb!! KUDOS!!their role will be limited to monitor the president!! He he he..nice idea tun!

Nevertheless I have my own vision and dream too. :)

My definitive mission n vision statement;
a. Three institutions, the family, religion, and the schools, are pillars that elevate society and educate people in the principles that create order in society. If you destroy these institutions, then chaos will eventually ensue in society. The “corrupted politicians” is working hard at destroying each of these institutions today.i.e. eating away all the fund!
b. When there is unrestrained chaos, it is easier for the socialist(yes, there are evident of socialist reformer in malaysia) to sell his dream of greater government control. Therefore we must protect unity at all cost...
(I still remember my high school history teacher blabbing about malaysia is slowly turning itself into socialist country behind its shadow..that history lesson was 10 years i fully understand what he meant by that.and it took me 10 years to fully grasp its concept!..huhhh gripping!)
c. The Constitution is an historical, not a “living” document. The job of the judiciary is not to create new laws but to interpret the Constitution.
( this one from my close friend fariz..he said that all judge should be given special place in the society..i.e. no minggling!..what d ye think? I agreed to his idea!)
d. Survival success is caused by hard work, discipline, training, and natural ability. The greater survival success of a specific group does not mean that it has victimized another group that has achieved less success. It means that the group that has succeeded worked harder, had better discipline, training, and natural ability.
e. If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it. In other words, incentives work and they matter. If you incentivize a non-survival behavior like not working (as in welfare) you’ll get more of that behavior. If you penalize a survival behavior like creating a business or making money (as in progressive taxation) you’ll get less of it.
f. Industrialists and entrepreneurs do not victimize or oppress a person by giving him a job, they help him. Jobs do not appear out of thin air. They are created by industrialists or entrepreneurs seeing a market opportunity, creating a product or service, and figuring out how to market and sell it. This is a rare ability. Not everybody can do it. Therefore these people are valuable and should be encouraged and rewarded, not persecuted.
g. Profits are not obscene. Profits are good. Businesses are supposed to make a profit. In fact, they need to make a profit in order to survive.
h. We are a nation of immigrants. But since we did not steal our prosperity, we do not need to give it away to others as a way of propitiation or apology, especially to those who break the law to come here. Living in the most free and prosperous nation in the world is a privilege, not a right.
i. It is not a crime for people to live on earth and to become prosperous and survive well. The earth is not a fragile system that will break if we utilize its resources. So stop terrorizing federal lands for timber or whatever! Protect the environment in the face of global warming!!
J. Enough said


But sadly to say..i am just, too many politicians and lobbyists are spending Malaysia into ruin. We are nearly getting into a figure of a bizillllion dollars in debt as a nation. ( i might not get the figure right, but you can go to bank negara, and ask for full report.if not, just ask for the amount of debt)

We cannot continue to allow private banks, wasteful agencies, lobbyists, corporations on welfare, and governments collecting foreign aid to dictate the size of our ballooning budget. We need a new method to prioritize our spending. It’s called the Constitution of the New Malaysian Order!! I call it NEMO..yeah like the movie “finding nemo”. what a nice fish for malaysian. :)
Tun Mahathir has spoken about a need for a “ presidential council” for the new Malaysia. That is just superb!! KUDOS!!their role will be limited to monitor the president!! He he he..nice idea tun! ( cut the president wage, if he's late to in coming to works,, hows that?)..nice..the idea from cream de la cream ..

I, joseph fakihun, am just a free spirited wanderer, but I am not blowing my own trumpet here in my own blog!! I would like to see a positive changes in leadership and organizations that used mission and vision statements, tiered the concept throughout their organizations, down to the supervisor level, and successfully employed their vision driven strategic planning process and leadership development.
implementing vision driven leadership and the strategic planning process instituted at the supervisory level speeds up vision driven change.i.e. the speed of the boss is the speed of the team! It allows everybody to get on board faster with a better understanding of their need, performance expectations and contribution.

. In other words, someone with brighter minds need to make decisions for people

I see a new Morning in Malaysia. A future Morning in Malaysia. But only if we fight for the vision. So, Spread the vision. Send this article to friends. Talk about it. and That morning will come.

Disclaimer: The information presented and opinions expressed herein are 0.5 true. Those are my analytical mind..and i had spit my mind on my blog with honest intent :)

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