Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morning Coffee talk

I heard this talk mongering about the new possible upcoming Prime Minister of Malaysia taken place in a "kedai kopi" ..Nowadays people like to talk about politics openly without evr thinking its consequences., even in a "kedai kopi"..interesting conversation!.guess what..I heard somebody mentioning the name "Ku Li"..The question Is..Is this man fit to replace Pak Dozy?.

Something About KU LI

Ku li once dreaming to be a Prime Minister but his passive stance in political campaign strategy saw him lost to Musa Hitam..In the eve of defeat he went on to open up a new party (i.e Semangat 46..1989..oh by the way 1946 refers to the year umno was originally founded!)..This man is undeniably much older than Pak Dozy but i must confess Ku Li (1937) had more substance, agenda and integrity..This prince is a major political figure in uncle to the current queen of Kelantan..a product of Malay College Kuala Kangsar and Queens University of Belfast(1959)..Ku Li is a master in Economics..this is illustarted by his high profile portfolio as a Finance Minister in 1980's..even the "Illuminati" likes him..AVOC anyone?

Ku li has Quoted ----> “…lately a few people were trying to raise issues regarding the contract like the position of Islam as the official religion of the federation and special privileges for Malays, as if these were not agreed upon when it was made when the nation gained independence in 1957. If the guarantees laid out in it cannot be protected, a situation worse than May 13, 1969 (racial riots) may arise”..................(Lina joy i.e Azlina Jailani anyone?,,does it rings any bell?)..This issue of social contract has become a new dilemma for Malaysians Muslim..something bad has happened in the midst of 2008..Persatuan Melayu Kristian telah sah ditubuhkan...the Christian's malay society went on and submitted 15 ridiculous memorundum to Pak Dozy..

Ku li is a brilliant man..just brill!!..He seeks policy change in everything to remedy the crippling national politics issue..He has spoken about the need of policy change in Umno (i.e to make umno more appealing to malaysians), Crooked Bridge. Proton's failure to car market..++ etc

In a nutshell..the "morning coffee" conversations lingered around the new era of colonization that will taken place in Malaysia..and I am very much afraid to know the the fact beyond the truth..In my opinion the best bet for future Presidency lies within Yi din, Anwar and Mukhriz..

The political scenario in Malaysia is worsening..
"Melayu semakin hilang di dunia"


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