Monday, April 14, 2008

There's Small Choice in Rotten Apples

Pak Dozy is defying critics and dissidents who want him to resign immediately in the wake of recent massive election losses..following the imminent lack of support from um no party members, Pak Dozy is preferred to seek advice on government and party matters from "Outsiders" such as family members including his little Napolean i.e. KJ, rather than his own cabinet and um no supremo council members..

At last,,Pak Dozy has spoken after a long "2 weeks" silence,,bugger!!! ---------->

"There are some who say (I should quit) as soon as possible. There are some who say 'not so much in a hurry.' Let me just listen. I have two ears. I am not deaf,"

and he also said that -------------->

"Of course I want the transfer to be smooth. That's very important. I do not want to leave the party i.e. UM NO in a state of chaos. I would not say "Najib, good luck. That's your problem, not mine.' That's not the way,"

Pak Dozy statements somehow indicate that he realizes his days in office are numbered although he says he won't quit "suddenly"..The tide is turning..the transition period is in a brink..i suppose the transfer of power will be completed by next year at the um no AGM .. somewhere around december..fuhhh..oohhh...Please god make it quick.. amin


it could be another drama play by Pak Dozy and his lobbyist, after all, he already mastered the art of denial and pulling a bull@#$% out of a hat..KJ must be sweating all over and he must have had a recurring nightmare every now and then..But..KJ is just not an ordinary malaysian man, i bet he still have some trick left up on his sleeves..( watch out!!) after all he had a lot of fortunes ( circulated nearly to 800mill ) and, nowadays money talks..thats why we, the the nationalist front mustnt take KJ out of our sight..We need to teach this boy a real good lesson!! find his fault fast and exploit it !!! (btw...Do somebody else know the rifgt punishment for treason? )


Najib is waiting in line for future presidency..Dont let "Najib" be!..HIs late father is a gift to all Malaysian but Najib is just the curse fr malaysia..just imagine..Malaysia will be turning upside down, inside out and stead,, demote him..n i said this from the bottom of my heart..( "just lantik naJIB AS mALAYSIAN AMBASSADOR TO MONGGOLIA" )..THAT will SUIT HIM WELL..ha ..ha..( menteri pertahanan ni dh la di katakan kaki judi n kaki pompuan..penat ahh..klu die ni jadi PM..tak kan tak boleh pikir?..malaysia kan boleh...)

I, by the name of joseph fakihun, would really like to see uncle YIDIN come to the Picture..He had loads of experience and he can make a decision himself..he had a handsome track record to prove that..n most important thing is, he had the CHARISMA and Aura..a very much like the "aura of Mawi" :-) ...UMNO should return back to the womb of its mother! UMNO should return back to where it the fartherland..precisely,,umno must make a return back, to Johor..


p/s: I still remember the day when Pak Dozy had "halau" us, the 100 of Kg Rimba Jaya villagers from his office in Putrajaya, That day, we pledge and seek your intervention regarding Our village status..You r our last hope after so many people has turned us down..and yet you ushered us out..

but on the other hand we had created a history...we r d one who pioneered "a small tunjuk perasaan" in front of your office at Putrajaya...

tsik..tsikk.tekk..tsikk -------------> ha betul cakap cicak tu..


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