Saturday, April 12, 2008

The time is right for palace decree

Anak, cucu, cicit kita akan tergadai!!! how is that sound to you? Do you think the time is right for Palace revolution?..I mean ..we have the best Agong ever..but we have the worst PM!!!look at the pages of history of Agong...We never had a better one..up until now..It still remain to be seen for the newly elected Agong to fully excercise his power!..yeah..banish him, the "dozy" to the no mans land..

Umno members is confused right now, right from top level to grass root level..My sympathy goes to all of Umno's grasst root..they dont know nothing except for what happen in their daily life and work..what they know and will do in the name of democracy is vote umno once for every 5 years, in a period of 10 days the prime media and radio constantly bombarding malaysians with rhethoric and false persuasion i.e. political campaign..then pemimpin turun bagi duit pada grass root..suruh gantung banner..gantung and bagi duit kopi..bagi tau rakyat umno this n that..kalau umno tk perintah,rakyat tak boleh makanlah..Umno for bangsalah ..Umno for Agamalah.....whateva!..

Take a Look at pak "Dozy"..He is unfit to be a PM, you have to make a thousand decision every now and then..As far as i am concern, Pak dozy is incapable of doing that..He is not utilising his office in Putrajaya to its full capacity (masuk kerje pun lambat..buang duit je bayar RM25,000 sebulan kat die ni)..He is letting his family member manipulate him willingly..(ini mcm kobau dah kono cucuk hidung!)..everybody know he is being manipulated by "you know who"..In charting his political future, "you know who i.e. KJ" is quite clear, thanks to a little help from father-in-law, his rise in politic is monumental..he has master mind some high profile "political assasination" through journalism and prime media and plotting his next move on Umno youth chief post, Najib and ++++(and the list goes on and on)..he is amassing loads of wealth through systematic journalism and investment banking..and systematically hijacking other's bussiness proposal as well, such as the case of "Halal Hub"2002.. Halal hub is the brainchild of my close friend khairil..and he forcely bought his idea for mere RM10,000..just think lah? Halal product generated a revenue of 500million euro per annum in europe alone!!! and about quarter of the world population is using halal product everyday!!!!..The "halal hub" fiasco is k.j. first attempt in amassing money..only then i realized that his agenda in politic is not a pure one..He's in it for the money!..Don't you agree reader???

Pak Lah IN laws-sold the national company to singapore and get lucrative comission..why sell?..more money of course..


2 march 2004..ECM Temasek holding..(Sold asset and share of telekom malaysia to Temasek..150million of share worth RM1.15B) -this is startegic field for national security..i.e.telecomuniation..Why sell?..

26 may 2005..Hospital Pantai, KL(29% of the hospital own by finance minister i.e. Pak Dozy)..Avenue capital resources berhad..sold hospital to.. parkway holding..( Parkway then sells it to Zion(i.e.New Breach) for 312million singapore dollar...Richard blum(yahudi) own Parkway share worth 627 million..)

In the early 2005..ECM Libra("menantu pak" lah proposed) through sell felda asset to "bangsa asing"..felda is massive man!!!..possesing mammoth share in Maybank & asset in MISC equivalent to RM2000million..undisclosed bussiness!!!

Malaysia has been infested by Yahudi through an act of treason..
Next plot -----> REITS in IDR i.e w.p.i. .....sovereignity for money..
anak cucu tergadai lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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