Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Kaduk naik junjung" - Greed, Deception and Hypocrisy

Tun Mahathir has quoted ------>

"The BN government has become a government of Abdullah's family members. He (Abdullah) can deny it but we know what (his son-in-law) Khairy is doing. "

Despite ongoing call and pressure for Pak Dozy to resign..Pak Dozy said he will not resign and will continue Barisan Nasional’s struggle ( what struggle? )..Pak Dozy still didn't realize that he is unwanted by many malaysians..It is not BN struggle anymore, in stead, it is his own struggle to cling for power..He had many scandalous case under his belt..He is incapable of being a good leader..his foreign policy is just too shabby..sometimes i wonder, does he never receive a good education?..ha ha..

We know now, of course, that any suffering by the people of Iraq had more to do with Kofi Annan, and Co. in the "oil for food" scandal..Pak Dozy also come to the picture as well..The UN Security Council started the Oil-for-food program in 1996 to allow Iraq to sell enough oil to pay for food and other necessities for its population, which was suffering under strict UN sanctions imposed after the first Gulf War..Pak Dozy willingly works with Yahudi and gets 6% contract alongside Switzerland and Syria..As usual Pak Dozy lied and denied that he had something to do with the stinking bussiness with the yahudi..he denied doing anything more than signing papers endorsing people in business..The report traced payment of US$10 million by Mastek Sdn Bhd, originally registered as a sawn timber company and a dormant company revived by Abdullah’s sister-in-law Noor Asiah Mahmood, her ex-husband Faek Ahmad Shareef and businessperson Jaya Sudhir..

That is also the case with Patrick Lim whom being brandished "Patrick Badawi" by Tun Mahathir..Currently uncle Lim held the position as Taman Equine executive chairman..Just Think of uncle lim as a misdemeanour "Donald Trump"..a real property developer and a tycoon..Maybe Pak Dozy "terhutang budi" to uncle Lim because uncle had sponsored former Pak Dozy wife, the late Pn Endon to undergoes breast cancer treatment in the USA..the rumour about the bill is circulated around USD1million.. (the best treatment on the table )

Tun Mahathir also has quoted------>
“This Patrick Lim is Patrick Badawi,”

and reveal an OPEN SECRET for all Malaysian..------>
“This is the new constitution that is changed without the knowledge of Parliament. The new constitution says the son-in-law and Patrick are ruling Terengganu,”

subheading:Lim's your uncle...not Bob ok!!!
Needless to say, Uncle Lim is the one who profited the most from the bond he formed with Pak Dozy..In return of Uncle Lim Favour Pak Dozy has awarded the RM25 billion Penang Global City Centre project to Abad Naluri - a 25 percent-owned associate firm of Taman Equine which is wholly owned by developer Equine Capital..Pak Dozy also awarded Masjid Lim Kristal project to uncle Lim and a "personality of the year" in the monsoon cup, again to the infamous uncle many aaa..

Pak Dozy foreign and internal policies is just too dangerous to national interest..He is doing everything as he likes..and as he saw fit..and as were told by his in law..Tun Mahathir had done All the hardwork to uplift the good names of Malaysia in condemning the Zion, even Tuan guru Nik Aziz has praised him on that..

It is the other way around when Pak Dozy comes into ruling power..Pak Dozy has formed a very closed ties with Yahudi in Scomi..( the way ,do you know scomi funded George "monkey" Bush political campaign?)..then Pak Dozy went on revamping my beloved NST ( do you know all 13 editorial staff has been fired and replaced by singaporeans, with a little help from Kali and Brendan of course, shoot, why singaporeans? what??no good Malaysian editor left..ehh? ))..he changes the Malaysian foreign policies that are too pro Singapore, the US, the British and the Australians.. starting on that day onwards, the credibility in the prime news was diminished!..the newspaper is only good to wipe your a#$..... :)

The "Imperialist" were all waiting to colonize Malaysia under The New World Order..
so..If Pak Dozy stay..( will know what are the consequences)


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