Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Haram Hub fiasco

[He (Allah) has only forbidden you dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name has been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience or transgression of due limits, then he is guiltless. For Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.] (Al-Baqarah 2:173)
According to an authentic saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the trade of swine is also prohibited in Islam (Al-Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 34, Number 438).

The oft-forgiving and Most Merciful strike me twice. For I had consumed the flesh of swine ages ago. Then I realize the term of Halal and Haram. That which is permissible is termed Halal and that which is not permissible is termed Haram and it is the Quran which draws the distinction between the two.

However, we know from the Qur'an (Al-A`raf 7:157) that Allah's laws are not arbitrary. It is therefore only natural for people to seek out the possible wisdoms behind these laws from worldly (scientific) sources. Doing so is in line with Islam's emphasis on seeking knowledge and taking the time to reflect on the intricacies of Allah's vast creation.

There are so many other things God created but are just not for human consumption, do you think all of them were God's mistakes? Of course not, he is the knower! What can Swine do to us?

There are reasons for those tags if you study its behavior, there are many reasons God created such animals its just us that we are unable to comprehend all the reasons. E.g. Djin sustenance is smoke, think of it! Djinn has contributed their part in reducing global warming..he he

What abuout swine/babi/hog/pig then?
Ecological balance is the simple and straight answer
A perfect machine for waste management system!

A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for
human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck.

Nonetheless, all that aside, I am sure you are well informed about
the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it
pork chops, ham, bacon.

The medical science also finds that there is a risk for various diseases;

the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases. It contains many things that can harm you, like tapeworms. Worm segments or eggs may be found in the stool of an infected person. Tapeworms can grow 15 to 30 feet (9.1 m) in length. The largest tapeworms grow up to 59 feet (18 m). Most tapeworms enter humans through infected food, the same way they enter pets. Tapeworms harm their host by stealing vital nutrients, causing malnutrition and, if left untreated, can cause intestinal blockages...

Sometimes, the parasite may migrate to the appendix, pancreas, or bile duct causing severe abdominal pain.

Even apart from that, uric acid content in the pig blood!!, it is important to note that the pig's biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content, the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body.

Case study1.somewhere in China

A highly infectious swine virus is sweeping China’s pig population, driving up pork prices and creating fears of a global pandemic among domesticated pigs

And there are other signs. Field experts are reporting widespread disease outbreaks. Fear among pig farmers that their livestock will contract the disease has led to panic selling. And the government and media in the west have issued alarming reports that farmers are selling diseased or infected pigs to illegal slaughterhouses, which could pose food safety problems.
( conspiracy= they dump the pork to malaysian market = made in China )

There was one person who actually claimed that the pigs’ farm project is akin to the Jewish holocaust and this person crapped that it is a conspiracy to drive out the Malays from that kampung. I have heard that "conspiracy" accusation before. And this person is not just some random blogger but someone in power in some big organisation.

“Apakah ini suatu tindakan halus untuk mengusir orang-orang Melayu dari kampung halaman mereka sebagaimana Israel mengusir rakyat Palestin dari tanah air mereka?”

“ cakap aje pasal usir, tiba-tiba je aku menyirap!..i Felt it before, I knew how much it hurt to see my village being obliterated likewise tsunami effect and burn to ash, before my own eyes”..The best thing is I can not do nothing ‘bout it..some of you might not even know the meaning of USIR!..F*&^

So,Must not miss this news about the pigs. (pig=usir and usir+pig=profit)

....A highly infectious swine virus is sweeping China's pig population, driving up pork prices and creating fears of a global pandemic among domesticated pigs. Animal virus experts say Chinese authorities are playing down the gravity and spread of the disease. So far, the mysterious virus — believed to cause an unusually deadly form of an infection known as blue-ear pig disease — has spread to 25 of this country's 33 provinces and regions, prompting a pork shortage and the strongest inflation in China in a decade.......

More than that, China's past lack of transparency — particularly over what became the SARS epidemic — has created global concern.

"They haven't really explained what this virus is," says Federico Zuckermann, a professor of immunology at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. "This is like SARS. They haven't sent samples to any international body. This is really irresponsible of China. This thing could get out and affect everyone."

There are no clear indications that blue-ear disease — if that is what this disease is — poses a threat to human health. Though the Chinese government acknowledges that the current virus has devastated pig stocks in coastal and southern areas, it has not admitted what experts say is clear: the virus is rapidly moving inland and westward, to areas such as this one in Sichuan Province, China's largest pork-producing region. ( Beware kg padang tumbuk! )

"This disease is like a wind that swept in and passed from village to village," said Ding Shurong, a 45-year-old farmer in a village near here who lost two-thirds of his pigs . "I've never seen anything like it. No family was left untouched."

No one knows for sure how many of this country's 500 million pigs have been infected. The government says officially that about 165,000 pigs have contracted the virus this year. But in a country that, on average, loses 25 million pigs a year to disease, few believe the figures. In part, the skepticism comes from the fact that pork prices have skyrocketed 85 percent in the last year — an increase that, absent other factors, suggests the losses from disease are more widespread than Beijing admits.

And there are other signs. Field experts are reporting widespread disease outbreaks. Fear among pig farmers that their livestock will contract the disease has led to panic selling. And the government and media in the west have issued alarming reports that farmers are selling diseased or infected pigs to illegal slaughterhouses, which could pose food safety problems.

International health experts are already calling this one of the worst disease outbreaks ever to hit Asia's livestock industry, and they fear the fast-mutating pathogens could spread to neighboring countries, igniting a worldwide epidemic that could affect pork supplies everywhere.

A similar virus has already been detected in neighboring Vietnam and Myanmar, and health experts are trying to determine if it came from China.

Health experts say China has declined to send tissue samples to testing labs outside the country for independent verification by a lab affiliated with the World Organization for Animal Health in Paris.

The Chinese government says that it has reported the disease to international health bodies and insists that the disease is under control and that a vaccine has been developed and distributed.

But, some scientists say there is no truly effective vaccine against blue-ear pig disease (which is also known as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome); other experts say they are not even certain that the blue-ear virus is the one that is spreading.

Scientists who track blue-ear pig disease are puzzled because the disease is generally not so deadly.

"This virus generally makes them ill but on its own it doesn't cause a lot of deaths," said Steven McOrist, a professor of pig medicines at the University of Nottingham in England. "The evidence they put up so far is not conclusive."

If it is blue-ear pig disease, which has infected most parts of the world, including the United States, it may be a new and more virulent strain.

"This is more severe than we've seen elsewhere," said Derek Armstrong, a senior veterinary scientist at the Meat and Livestock Commission in Britain. "It may be a co-infection of pigs with other things."

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is now pressing China to share its research and tissue samples...(The same U N is also try to fund the RM100milion project pig farming in Malaysia)...

"I've asked my two vets in Beijing to work with the government and get some of those samples out," said Juan Lubroth, head of infectious disease at the FAO, noting that China has reported its own findings on the disease. "Our experience has shown us that working with carrots is better than working with sticks."

It is also easy for a person to swallow tapeworm eggs, which they can get from direct or indirect contact with a human tapeworm carrier. After ingesting eggs, cysts develop in human tissue (as in pigs). In people, cysts develop preferentially in the central nervous system, which can lead to epileptic seizures and other neurological problems. It is important to know that a person does not need to handle pigs or consume pork to become infected with the cysts.

During the recent outbreak at the village, one child died of an uncontrolled epileptic-like fit, which might have been caused by tapeworm cysts in the brain, and 26 were treated in hospital. There is an unconfirmed report that 17 of the children had fits.

Case study 2. somewhere in Malaysia

......MCA Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng revealed that a bumiputra company is behind the mega project to centralised the rearing of pigs. And the UMNO member behind it is the former State Assembly from BN-Umno for Tajung Sepat, Datuk Karim Mansor (2 thumb down to him ). This same Datuk Karim and the village chief went to Germany to view the project there. However, during the General Election, the Selangor state fell into PKR hands. Now, these two persons, Datuk Karim and the village chief had turned into the protesters. The former Chief Minister, Datuk Dr Khir Toyo was the one who approved the relocation of 132 pigs farm to this proposed centralised pigs’ farm.

"somebody " had said the project was approved in January this yeari.e. 2008 and the Pakatan Rakyat Government was just implementing the project after considering various options.
MB Khalid has quoted---->
“We can prove that they (Khir Toyo’s government) approved the project, if there is a need to do so,” he said

The Selangor state government has defended its decision to continue with a RM100 million modern pig farming project in the state after it came under fire for being insensitive to Muslims.
The state government was told the farm was sophisticated and produced zero waste..( first-born deception from PKR coalition Party)
Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said the farm, which fulfilled the high quality guidelines approved by the Agriculture and Agro-based Ministry and the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry , had been approved by the previous state government on Jan 30.
He added that the new administration decided to go ahead with the project. He also said that all waste from the project facility will be recycled into biogas to generate electricity, water for the facility and compost to grow feed for the pigs. “There will be no discharge of waste from the facility,” he said.At the same time, no new pig farms will be approved in the state, and all existing farms will be required to move to the vicinity of the project, added Khalid.

Residents affected by the proposed RM100 million pig farm in Kuala Langat had protested against the project in front of the Selangor menteri besar’s office in Shah Alam.

According to Bernama some 200 residents from Kampung Tumbuk Darat, Tanjung Sepat, Tanjung Laut, Kampung Layang, Kundang and Kampung Indah, gathered from 10.30am, carrying banners to vent their dissatisfaction over the decision.
These all beautiful Kampung will never be the same again..!!! ( What aaa?..just think, somebody with a fat wallet come to your village and suddenly open up a centralised pig farm in your village vicinity?..ILL kill that man if he appear in my dream!)

.and,,the project is to be carried out in Padang Tumbuk in Kuala Langat. ( would you really like to be the resident of Kampung Padang Tumbuk?..)
Conspiracy against the villagers.
.......Malays living in the vicinity of Tumbuk Estate in Kuala Langat have been advised not to allow themselves to be influenced into selling off their land in view of the proposed RM100-million modern pig farming project there.The residents should safeguard their land, particularly bequeathed land. Do not be hasty in selling off land because the strength of the Malays lies in the land they own. Do not be taken in by the intimidation of certain quarters who claim that the price of land there will drop once the project is launched......

But, considering their plight..The area had already been the centre for small-scale pig farming for decades, causing pollution to the environment..i dont know howmuch longer the villagers can stay with the stench!!!!

The new Pakatan Rakyat state government yesterday announced that the all pig farmers would be relocated to a centralised farm in Ladang Tumbuk within one year..that mean 1 long year for judicial decision..Battle of the pig farm! begin
My own view as a malay and a muslim
  1. Government must have a priority, and must not compromise with its priority!
    "Latar belakang sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai majoriti penduduk Islam perlu dihormati, tiada negara Islam di dunia ini yang menjadi pengeksport babi," "jangan jadi macam al-saud yg mengimport babi ke Tanah suci!"..
  2. Government must put their honour, respect and image before profit! Where are our image as Islam Hadari,,Hmm ..politicans with rhetoric..all the same!..whereare the defender of islam of today? huh..again..rhetoric
  3. If "they" still want to raise a loads of pig, Why dont open up a farm somewhere in China? just go there and invest there..Just dont open up farm here!..not here in Malaysia..just open up an investment opportunities outside of Malaysia territory for that "yellow jew " who want to eat pork everyday...
  4. There is no "President of Malay" as i would like to put it in Bahasa Melayu= Pemimpim Melayu yg betul2x islam..left to fight for the Malays cause e.g. land.. n little by little, "anak cucu tergadai lagi" one left, no man stand.

Cause and effect
1pollution ( Ask Ali Ketam for an answer! )
2deter tourism ( Ask Karam Sing for a brief overview! )
3rise to the spread of vector-borne diseases e.g. Blue-ear desease!( even if you promise a high quality standard..once a pig, always a pig, nowadays, i dont listen 2 promises anymore! ) can the centralized project be feasible? Where is the perpetrated proposal?
I just dont c it! More pig=more problemo
Do i need to listen to the "yellow jew" food demand..F234 no!

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