Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A brief overview of Tok Syeikh : Present and Past and who knows what future hold?

KAJANG, April 12 2008 -- Only the Israelis will vote for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim if he is going for the prime minister's post, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. "Well, the Haaretz (Israeli newspaper) thinks that he is going to be the prime minister. It is the only paper in the world which thinks he is going to be the prime minister and I think he is the prime minister that the Israelis will vote for," he told reporters at a Malay leadership forum here today. Dr Mahathir said this in response to a question whether Anwar had the credibility to become a prime minister in the next one or two years time. Responding to a foreign journalist who said that Anwar received a big majority in Parliament in the recent general election, Dr Mahathir :" He (Anwar) didn't get this huge majority that you mention. "(It is not) because people like him.. (it) is just because Umno lost or the Barisan (Nasional) lost and they (the voters) had to show their protest by voting for the opposition. It is not because he is popular," Dr Mahathir said. -- MORE MAHATHIR-ANWAR 2 (LAST) KAJANG He cited that in 1999, with the black eye and all that, Anwar won only five seats. "You know he had to suffer a black eye to get five seats. And in 2004, he had one seat. See! he is not popular." "In fact, in some meetings of Umno, the moment you mention his name there is an immediate uproar. Once when a person suggested that he should be accepted back in Umno, he was nearly given the third degree treatment...they wanted to assault him or something like that. That's how much people feel for him," Dr Mahathir said. Therefore, he said Anwar should not delude himself by thinking that "he is very popular".

SHAH ALAM, April 13 -- Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today denied any association with Israel or Jews, and described as defamatory a statement by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that only Israelis would vote for him if he was going for the prime minister's post. "This is defamatory. I have never met any Israeli leader and neither have I paid for the services of any Jewish lobbyist," the PKR de facto leader told reporters here when asked to comment on Dr Mahathir's statement yesterday. Dr Mahathir, when asked whether Anwar had the credibility to become prime minister in the next one or two years, had said that the "Haaretz" (Israeli newspaper) was the only paper in the world which thought that Anwar was going to be the prime minister and that he (Dr Mahathir) thought that he (Anwar) was the prime minister that the Israelis would vote for. Anwar said today that Dr Mahathir should pay attention to his health. He said Dr Mahathir might be too tired and confused, and continued to criticise him. He said he had refrained from responding to the criticism but felt that this time it had gone too far. Asked about his reported plan to contest in a by-election for a seat to be vacated by any of the PKR members of parliament, Anwar said: "I have said that this is not a priority because Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS) are administering five states and much work has to be done in fulfilling our pledges."

Anwar Ibrahim and Al Gore's Racist Assault On Malaysia ( history of the past )

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had,what many saw, as a too-close-for-comfort tie with the Americans.With Anwar making a political comeback and campaigning in Ijok, here is a reminder. The former deputy prime minister is aggressively campaigning for his staunch support Khalid Ibrahim, who was one of his biggest cronies in Corporate Malaysia when he was way up there. Anwar has also been accusing the current DPM of kickbacks with regards to the purchase of defence equipment for the country from the Russians. Is Ijok seeing a America vs Russia proxy war? No, that's silly. But it sounded proposterous when Anwar was trying to prove how close he was to the IMF a decade ago. Shortly before his arrest in September 1998, Anwar had twice summoned editors of the local media to his office at the Finance Ministry, then in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.I was with TV3 English News and the station's director of operations gave us the directives after he attended "Tok Shiekh's" briefing ( yet, years later Anwar accuses the current media of not being "free").

During those meetings, Anwar emphasized two things:

1.. that we can trust IMF because "Camdesus is a family friend" (Michel Camdesus was the IMF managing director, the guy who stood triumphantly behind Suharto after Indonesia "surrendered" to the IMF during the 1997 financial crisis).
2..that Dr Mahathir, his boss, was getting senile and least irrational, and everything the PM was doing was detrimental to the economy and the ringgit.
by Michael Billington April 13, 2007

It is no surprise to find Al Gore campaigning today against the“threat” of global warming allegedly posed by industrialization in both the “developed” and underdeveloped worlds, to anyone familiar with the history of his racist, anti-development, imperialist relations with Malaysia.

Here is a brief overview:

In November 1998, President Clinton had to skip an important meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) in Kuala Lumpur, due to a military crisis in the Balkans (which had been instigated by Al Gore and his pal Richard Holbrooke). Clinton sent Vice President Al Gore in his place to represent the United States. Only two months earlier, Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad had implemented currency controls and fixed currency rates to counter the attack on the Asian currencies by George Soros and his fellow hedge fund speculators. Clinton had been considering a new international financial architecture, which would have seen the Malaysian move towards currency controls as a possible model for developing nations to protect themselves within a new monetary framework. However, rather than building the needed relationship between the United States and Malaysia, Gore launched a public assault on Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir, and in defense of the deposed former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who had defended the IMF’s conditionalities and rejected Dr. Mahathir’s controls. As Finance Minister (and Deputy Prime Minister), Anwar had implemented an “IMF austerity policy without the IMF”, before Dr. Mahathir dumped him.

‘We Should Fry Him’
Gore was the featured speaker at the APEC forum on Nov. 16 1998, sharing the podium with Dr. Mahathir. Outside the conference center, anarchists supporting deposed Anwar were rioting in the streets, making calls to bring down the government. Claiming that Malaysia could not protect his security, Gore demanded that the hotel management shut down the air conditioning, to prevent terrorists from putting poison in the ventilation system. Then, before a sweaty audience, Gore incited the anarchists, “Democracy can give the stamp of legitimacy that reforms must have in order to be effective, and so, among nations who suffer economic crises, we continue to hear calls for democracy, calls for reform, in many languages. People power. (Reformasi). We hear them today, right here, right now, among the brave people of Malaysia.”

International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz called it “the most disgusting speech I’ve heard in my life,” while Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (now the Prime Minister) said “Malaysia finds the incitement by the U.S. government to lawlessness by certain elements within the country, to use undemocratic means in order to overthrow a constitutionally elected government, most abhorrent. "Malaysians do not take kindly to sanctimonious sermonizing from any foreign quarter, especially the United States, a country which is known to have committed gross violations of human rights”.

Dr. Mahathir was more direct “We should fry him. Al Gore does not love Malaysia nor its people. Al Gore and his government only wants to manipulate and control our country”.

Gore did not apologize, but told Russian Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov (another target for Gore’s intended “regime change”), “That is the American message and I am proud to deliver it here and anywhere go. Moving into the 21st century with a strong economy really requires democracy and self-government”.

Anwar’s Friends to the Rescue

When Anwar Ibrahim was convicted of corruption and sodomy (a crime in Malaysia) after a 14-month trial, in August 2000, his pal Al Gore, then in the heat of the Presidential campaign against George W. Bush, took time out of his campaign to speak out against the rule of law, “I am deeply disturbed by the verdicts handed down in Malaysia in the case of Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim…. The show trial [he was] forced to endure mocked the international standards of justice.”

Two days after the 1998 Gore tirade in Kuala Lumpur,the (Asian Wall Street Journal) offered the jailed Anwar Ibrahim their editorial page. Anwar showed his allegiance to the international financial institutions and to colonial policy, “Instead of pointing the finger at speculators and blaming ‘unrealistic demands’ set by international agencies acting as lenders of last resort, Asian nations would do well to put their houses in order first”, he wrote.

Asian nations must end “ambitious plans for outlandish projects” commit themselves “to wiping out corruption and nepotism”, remove tariff barriers and eradicate “subsidies, monopolies and favoritism. So many vested interests are at stake.

Unless the gale of creative destruction is unleashed on these rent-seeking and parasitic corporate activities [i.e., national industries], the Asian economy will never regain its past vigor.”

A few weeks later, speculator George Soros returned the favor in a speech at Johns Hopkins, calling for Anwar to be released, while accusing Dr. Mahathir of supporting his “cronies” at the expense of the economy, concluding “So I think what needs to happen is, he needs to be removed from power”.

When Anwar was released from prison in 2004, he was greeted by his two closest allies in the West, Al Gore and Paul Wolfowitz, who was then at the center of running a military version of “regime change” in Iraq. It was probably Wolfowitz who arranged for Anwar to get a position at the Johns Hopkins University School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, where Wolfowitz had previously been the dean. Anwar also got a position at St. Anthony’s College in Oxford, England, where he met with Gore, who was by this time running his hedge fund in London, the Generation Investment Management. Anwar also spent time with his old friends from the British oligarchy, Chris Patten and Gordon Brown.

Returning to Washington, Anwar found another lucrative position working for Wolfowitz at the World Bank, imposing conditions on developing nations that reject his warped form of “democracy.” He also took on the leadership of a project sponsored by Dick Cheney and Cheney’s daughter Liz, promoting “regime change” through subversion in the Arab world, called “Foundation for the Future.”

When Paul Wolfowitz had to find a place to send his girlfriend because of a potential conflict of interest at the World Bank, Anwar took her in with open arms, turning his “anti-corruption” head the other way when Wolfowitz corruptly arranged to pay her a bloated tax-free salary on the World Bank tab. Wolfowitz may be out of a job as a result.

In February 2006, Gore shared the stage with Anwar at the Jeddah Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia. This year, Gore is sharing another position with a different Malaysian, which he might find less satisfying - both he and Dr. Mahathir have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In Gore’s case, he is clearly campaigning for the “Peace of the Grave” for millions of the world’s poor.
Best leaders lead by demonstrating how it done..So what do you think about tok syeikh??..me...i am very much confused!!! ( Personally, I do not like people who are tolerating too much with outsider )
" you cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey whisper"

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