Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Haram Hub fiasco

[He (Allah) has only forbidden you dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name has been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience or transgression of due limits, then he is guiltless. For Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.] (Al-Baqarah 2:173)
According to an authentic saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), the trade of swine is also prohibited in Islam (Al-Bukhari: Volume 3, Book 34, Number 438).

The oft-forgiving and Most Merciful strike me twice. For I had consumed the flesh of swine ages ago. Then I realize the term of Halal and Haram. That which is permissible is termed Halal and that which is not permissible is termed Haram and it is the Quran which draws the distinction between the two.

However, we know from the Qur'an (Al-A`raf 7:157) that Allah's laws are not arbitrary. It is therefore only natural for people to seek out the possible wisdoms behind these laws from worldly (scientific) sources. Doing so is in line with Islam's emphasis on seeking knowledge and taking the time to reflect on the intricacies of Allah's vast creation.

There are so many other things God created but are just not for human consumption, do you think all of them were God's mistakes? Of course not, he is the knower! What can Swine do to us?

There are reasons for those tags if you study its behavior, there are many reasons God created such animals its just us that we are unable to comprehend all the reasons. E.g. Djin sustenance is smoke, think of it! Djinn has contributed their part in reducing global warming..he he

What abuout swine/babi/hog/pig then?
Ecological balance is the simple and straight answer
A perfect machine for waste management system!

A Muslim reasons that if the pig was to be slaughtered and fit for
human consumption the Creator would have provided it with a neck.

Nonetheless, all that aside, I am sure you are well informed about
the harmful effects of the consumption of pork, in any form, be it
pork chops, ham, bacon.

The medical science also finds that there is a risk for various diseases;

the pig is found to be a host for many parasites and potential diseases. It contains many things that can harm you, like tapeworms. Worm segments or eggs may be found in the stool of an infected person. Tapeworms can grow 15 to 30 feet (9.1 m) in length. The largest tapeworms grow up to 59 feet (18 m). Most tapeworms enter humans through infected food, the same way they enter pets. Tapeworms harm their host by stealing vital nutrients, causing malnutrition and, if left untreated, can cause intestinal blockages...

Sometimes, the parasite may migrate to the appendix, pancreas, or bile duct causing severe abdominal pain.

Even apart from that, uric acid content in the pig blood!!, it is important to note that the pig's biochemistry excretes only 2% of its total uric acid content, the remaining 98% remains as an integral part of the body.

Case study1.somewhere in China

A highly infectious swine virus is sweeping China’s pig population, driving up pork prices and creating fears of a global pandemic among domesticated pigs

And there are other signs. Field experts are reporting widespread disease outbreaks. Fear among pig farmers that their livestock will contract the disease has led to panic selling. And the government and media in the west have issued alarming reports that farmers are selling diseased or infected pigs to illegal slaughterhouses, which could pose food safety problems.
( conspiracy= they dump the pork to malaysian market = made in China )

There was one person who actually claimed that the pigs’ farm project is akin to the Jewish holocaust and this person crapped that it is a conspiracy to drive out the Malays from that kampung. I have heard that "conspiracy" accusation before. And this person is not just some random blogger but someone in power in some big organisation.

“Apakah ini suatu tindakan halus untuk mengusir orang-orang Melayu dari kampung halaman mereka sebagaimana Israel mengusir rakyat Palestin dari tanah air mereka?”

“ cakap aje pasal usir, tiba-tiba je aku menyirap!..i Felt it before, I knew how much it hurt to see my village being obliterated likewise tsunami effect and burn to ash, before my own eyes”..The best thing is I can not do nothing ‘bout it..some of you might not even know the meaning of USIR!..F*&^

So,Must not miss this news about the pigs. (pig=usir and usir+pig=profit)

....A highly infectious swine virus is sweeping China's pig population, driving up pork prices and creating fears of a global pandemic among domesticated pigs. Animal virus experts say Chinese authorities are playing down the gravity and spread of the disease. So far, the mysterious virus — believed to cause an unusually deadly form of an infection known as blue-ear pig disease — has spread to 25 of this country's 33 provinces and regions, prompting a pork shortage and the strongest inflation in China in a decade.......

More than that, China's past lack of transparency — particularly over what became the SARS epidemic — has created global concern.

"They haven't really explained what this virus is," says Federico Zuckermann, a professor of immunology at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. "This is like SARS. They haven't sent samples to any international body. This is really irresponsible of China. This thing could get out and affect everyone."

There are no clear indications that blue-ear disease — if that is what this disease is — poses a threat to human health. Though the Chinese government acknowledges that the current virus has devastated pig stocks in coastal and southern areas, it has not admitted what experts say is clear: the virus is rapidly moving inland and westward, to areas such as this one in Sichuan Province, China's largest pork-producing region. ( Beware kg padang tumbuk! )

"This disease is like a wind that swept in and passed from village to village," said Ding Shurong, a 45-year-old farmer in a village near here who lost two-thirds of his pigs . "I've never seen anything like it. No family was left untouched."

No one knows for sure how many of this country's 500 million pigs have been infected. The government says officially that about 165,000 pigs have contracted the virus this year. But in a country that, on average, loses 25 million pigs a year to disease, few believe the figures. In part, the skepticism comes from the fact that pork prices have skyrocketed 85 percent in the last year — an increase that, absent other factors, suggests the losses from disease are more widespread than Beijing admits.

And there are other signs. Field experts are reporting widespread disease outbreaks. Fear among pig farmers that their livestock will contract the disease has led to panic selling. And the government and media in the west have issued alarming reports that farmers are selling diseased or infected pigs to illegal slaughterhouses, which could pose food safety problems.

International health experts are already calling this one of the worst disease outbreaks ever to hit Asia's livestock industry, and they fear the fast-mutating pathogens could spread to neighboring countries, igniting a worldwide epidemic that could affect pork supplies everywhere.

A similar virus has already been detected in neighboring Vietnam and Myanmar, and health experts are trying to determine if it came from China.

Health experts say China has declined to send tissue samples to testing labs outside the country for independent verification by a lab affiliated with the World Organization for Animal Health in Paris.

The Chinese government says that it has reported the disease to international health bodies and insists that the disease is under control and that a vaccine has been developed and distributed.

But, some scientists say there is no truly effective vaccine against blue-ear pig disease (which is also known as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome); other experts say they are not even certain that the blue-ear virus is the one that is spreading.

Scientists who track blue-ear pig disease are puzzled because the disease is generally not so deadly.

"This virus generally makes them ill but on its own it doesn't cause a lot of deaths," said Steven McOrist, a professor of pig medicines at the University of Nottingham in England. "The evidence they put up so far is not conclusive."

If it is blue-ear pig disease, which has infected most parts of the world, including the United States, it may be a new and more virulent strain.

"This is more severe than we've seen elsewhere," said Derek Armstrong, a senior veterinary scientist at the Meat and Livestock Commission in Britain. "It may be a co-infection of pigs with other things."

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is now pressing China to share its research and tissue samples...(The same U N is also try to fund the RM100milion project pig farming in Malaysia)...

"I've asked my two vets in Beijing to work with the government and get some of those samples out," said Juan Lubroth, head of infectious disease at the FAO, noting that China has reported its own findings on the disease. "Our experience has shown us that working with carrots is better than working with sticks."

It is also easy for a person to swallow tapeworm eggs, which they can get from direct or indirect contact with a human tapeworm carrier. After ingesting eggs, cysts develop in human tissue (as in pigs). In people, cysts develop preferentially in the central nervous system, which can lead to epileptic seizures and other neurological problems. It is important to know that a person does not need to handle pigs or consume pork to become infected with the cysts.

During the recent outbreak at the village, one child died of an uncontrolled epileptic-like fit, which might have been caused by tapeworm cysts in the brain, and 26 were treated in hospital. There is an unconfirmed report that 17 of the children had fits.

Case study 2. somewhere in Malaysia

......MCA Datuk Dr Lee Chong Meng revealed that a bumiputra company is behind the mega project to centralised the rearing of pigs. And the UMNO member behind it is the former State Assembly from BN-Umno for Tajung Sepat, Datuk Karim Mansor (2 thumb down to him ). This same Datuk Karim and the village chief went to Germany to view the project there. However, during the General Election, the Selangor state fell into PKR hands. Now, these two persons, Datuk Karim and the village chief had turned into the protesters. The former Chief Minister, Datuk Dr Khir Toyo was the one who approved the relocation of 132 pigs farm to this proposed centralised pigs’ farm.

"somebody " had said the project was approved in January this yeari.e. 2008 and the Pakatan Rakyat Government was just implementing the project after considering various options.
MB Khalid has quoted---->
“We can prove that they (Khir Toyo’s government) approved the project, if there is a need to do so,” he said

The Selangor state government has defended its decision to continue with a RM100 million modern pig farming project in the state after it came under fire for being insensitive to Muslims.
The state government was told the farm was sophisticated and produced zero waste..( first-born deception from PKR coalition Party)
Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said the farm, which fulfilled the high quality guidelines approved by the Agriculture and Agro-based Ministry and the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry , had been approved by the previous state government on Jan 30.
He added that the new administration decided to go ahead with the project. He also said that all waste from the project facility will be recycled into biogas to generate electricity, water for the facility and compost to grow feed for the pigs. “There will be no discharge of waste from the facility,” he said.At the same time, no new pig farms will be approved in the state, and all existing farms will be required to move to the vicinity of the project, added Khalid.

Residents affected by the proposed RM100 million pig farm in Kuala Langat had protested against the project in front of the Selangor menteri besar’s office in Shah Alam.

According to Bernama some 200 residents from Kampung Tumbuk Darat, Tanjung Sepat, Tanjung Laut, Kampung Layang, Kundang and Kampung Indah, gathered from 10.30am, carrying banners to vent their dissatisfaction over the decision.
These all beautiful Kampung will never be the same again..!!! ( What aaa?..just think, somebody with a fat wallet come to your village and suddenly open up a centralised pig farm in your village vicinity?..ILL kill that man if he appear in my dream!)

.and,,the project is to be carried out in Padang Tumbuk in Kuala Langat. ( would you really like to be the resident of Kampung Padang Tumbuk?..)
Conspiracy against the villagers.
.......Malays living in the vicinity of Tumbuk Estate in Kuala Langat have been advised not to allow themselves to be influenced into selling off their land in view of the proposed RM100-million modern pig farming project there.The residents should safeguard their land, particularly bequeathed land. Do not be hasty in selling off land because the strength of the Malays lies in the land they own. Do not be taken in by the intimidation of certain quarters who claim that the price of land there will drop once the project is launched......

But, considering their plight..The area had already been the centre for small-scale pig farming for decades, causing pollution to the environment..i dont know howmuch longer the villagers can stay with the stench!!!!

The new Pakatan Rakyat state government yesterday announced that the all pig farmers would be relocated to a centralised farm in Ladang Tumbuk within one year..that mean 1 long year for judicial decision..Battle of the pig farm! begin
My own view as a malay and a muslim
  1. Government must have a priority, and must not compromise with its priority!
    "Latar belakang sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai majoriti penduduk Islam perlu dihormati, tiada negara Islam di dunia ini yang menjadi pengeksport babi," "jangan jadi macam al-saud yg mengimport babi ke Tanah suci!"..
  2. Government must put their honour, respect and image before profit! Where are our image as Islam Hadari,,Hmm ..politicans with rhetoric..all the same!..whereare the defender of islam of today? huh..again..rhetoric
  3. If "they" still want to raise a loads of pig, Why dont open up a farm somewhere in China? just go there and invest there..Just dont open up farm here!..not here in Malaysia..just open up an investment opportunities outside of Malaysia territory for that "yellow jew " who want to eat pork everyday...
  4. There is no "President of Malay" as i would like to put it in Bahasa Melayu= Pemimpim Melayu yg betul2x islam..left to fight for the Malays cause e.g. land.. n little by little, "anak cucu tergadai lagi" one left, no man stand.

Cause and effect
1pollution ( Ask Ali Ketam for an answer! )
2deter tourism ( Ask Karam Sing for a brief overview! )
3rise to the spread of vector-borne diseases e.g. Blue-ear desease!( even if you promise a high quality standard..once a pig, always a pig, nowadays, i dont listen 2 promises anymore! ) can the centralized project be feasible? Where is the perpetrated proposal?
I just dont c it! More pig=more problemo
Do i need to listen to the "yellow jew" food demand..F234 no!

Friday, April 18, 2008

I am just a beggar with a "bowling bowls" vision

Malaysia has become a confusing place for many people who are trying to decipher through the mess of politics that is inherent in a peaceful country that touts democracy. I reckoned that when people are faced with making a decision without adequate information or with confusing information they will choose what they know. If someone appears to be honest or they speak in a tone or manner that makes sense then they will vote for that candidate/politicians( I was once like that..but not anymore!). In some cases people will simply vote for a candidate because they remember their name but do not have a clue what the candidates stand for, except the enligntened people. This means the process of democracy is breaking down.

It isn’t a formal method or system as outlined in the system but that those who control the government, control the police, hence control the country. I am ashamed to see that Tun Mahathir is being shunned away from the arena of Malaysian politics systematically (who's responsible here?), and I will say it again systematically!

As long as nobody monitoring the system, there will always somebody in the system who exploit it’s weakness.

Speaking about weakness in the system, there are loads of weaknesses in it. just massive!!!But, in this post I just want to get into just one detail, (just one detail only), which is the "corrupted politicians "whom manipulate the funds of “taxpayers money”. The topics is not that heavy, but it’s root goes deep!

First of all, we should not forget that there are nearly 100 useless “politicians” eligible for ridiculous allowances, so the total cost is a vast amount of money.The allowances allowed for “these monkey”, is absolutely ridiculous - would these politicians get this absurd allowances if they had a different job? That allowance alone is more than enough for sick and disabled people to receive to run a home on. Whilst the needy are expected to stay alive and pay all their bills , our politicians are skinning malaysians for millions in allowances, making the average cost to the taxpayer of 1 useless “politicians” for nearly RM10,000 perannum. Value for money? Don't make me spit - just look at the state of the country!
Likewise: how can the government justify spending more than RM2.1Million of taxpayers' money on a series of banquets and accommodation. Where was my share of the banquets? (bear in mind, it is just for one of Government machine, there r bucket loads of government ministry i.e. administration out there!). The thing that saddened me the most was whenPak Dozy has urged the people of malaysian not to rely on subsidy anymore. It hurt me to hear that. It's just not fair.

let me bring to ye attention of this Case study---->
Azalina Othman is a big shot at UMNO Wanita. Dato’ Seri Azalina Othman Said, the Chairperson of Women’s Sports and Fitness Foundation Malaysia (WSFFM) and her cronies, really know how to spend. But of course, using the rakyat money.

Financial statements published in annual reports never go into details, it is just a secret,

According to its website, the foundation is devoted to the empowerment of women through sports and fitness. The foundation, the website says, has pursued this goal from 1995 along with “our humble quest to enlighten women on the significance of sports and fitness as a national agenda”.It also says (reproduced verbatim): The chairperson of WSFFM, Dato’ Seri Azalina Othman Said, is a leader with a distinction, inspiring and is truly sincere in making a difference in women’s life. It’s indeed an honor for the Foundation to have the first woman Minister of Youth and Sports as our Chairperson. Dato’ Seri Azalina has always advocated unity and women empowerment through sports. She has motivated and enabled girls and women to reach greater heights. The realizations of her vision and strategic plans have already begun and been proven.But looking at the income and expenditure, one wonders whether these goals have been achieved. Let’s look at the income: The National Sports Council gave a grant of RM9.72 million and another RM1.5 million came from the Youth and Sports Ministry. There were two smaller amounts – RM200,000 from the Olivia Newton John concert and RM110,000 from Datuk Dina Rizal’s Sports Unite Sdn Bhd.No one will complain about that. But when the page is turned and the expenditure is listed out, one cannot but be aghast over how the money had been used. Before even one cent is spent, the question that should be foremost on the minds of the people, who are holding public money in trust should be: How will doing this help the sportswomen?
For purposes of easy reading and understanding of the issues involved, here’s where the bulk of the money went:
• Grants RM1.18 million
• Meals and Accommodation RM2.1 million
• Media and Advertising RM932,000
• Post and Production RM710,000
• Printing and Stationery RM710,000
• Rental of Equipment RM865,400
• Volunteers’ Allowances RM242,000
• Wages RM117,700
• Entertainment RM1.4 million
• Travelling and Transportation RM858,000

RM1.4 million for entertainment!. Those ladies really know how to enjoy. This is just outrageous! RM1.4 million is a lot of money and could be spend wisely to help the poor women at the “kampon”g.
But before anyone argues that this foundation is a non-governmental organisation and the media has no right to question how it spends money, let it be said that this foundation received more than RM11 million in taxpayers’ funds. Every right-thinking Malaysian must ensure that it is spent prudently and for the benefit of the rakyat and not on self-seeking or syiok sendiri projects.If meals, accommodation and entertainment accounted for 30% of the expenditure, then something is wrong with the system and no one cared for a basic principle called prudence.Besides, there’s an expenditure for shirts and uniform. Why should Public pay for these people to strut around in tailor-made shirts? Please tell me why they deserve to be given even clothes! Then there’re payments totalling RM250,000 as “gifts and condolences”. What the heck is this? Why is taxpayers’ money being used to buy such expensive gifts and messages of condolences?And it cost RM100,000 for the “upkeep of temporary secretariat. What? Then, there’s this payment of RM20,900 as “professional fee”. For what and to whom? What kind of professional services were rendered?Who did they entertain for RM1.4 million or who did they pay that sum of money for to be entertained? Of course not Newton-John because she performed at Genting which donated RM200,000 from the ticket sales. So, where did our money go?What could have been done with RM1.4 million? For a start, at least 1,000 of those who live below the poverty line could have received justa mere RM100 a month each in allowances for a year! At least 100's children with heart diseases could have gone for surgery without having to go on the streets with begging bowls.And imagine a handful of people entertaining or being entertained while the poor eat rice with” Ikan masin” as their only meal or while children continue to suffer, unable to afford treatment. Is it justified?If there’s nothing to hide, just open the books for public scrutiny. After all, our money was used. And to the National Sports Council: How did you approve such a sum of money for all these luxuries?Don’t forget, the allocation for sports is not for entertainment, shirts or meals. And the director-general and the board members owe a responsibility to the taxpayers by telling us the truth, but nothing but the truth.Spending millions of taxpayers’ money on entertainment and food is unforgivable and those responsible should be named and shamed!

But if Malaysians knew the truth, and would turn off their TVs an stop looking at the news perpetrated by tv3 and use that time instead to change this country, using the power of grassroots politics and start a new revolution.

Any group with the passion to change the world, one issue at a time, with a loving intent, can do it.

Now then, shall I suggest these “small” measure to be implement so that we know everything is good for the welfare of the needy and the nation development for that matter!

Progressive taxation---->where those with higher incomes pay virtually all of the taxes, is the creation of those who wish to achieve changes in our social order by redistribution of wealth…
We ain't going nowhere unless we share....( how many people has been blinded with fortune an wealth!..? )
"sharing is caring"
p/s: I do not mind at all if "them" do not want to share the pies. if you take "evil" out of people, they'll be acting right..
again,Tun Mahathir has spoken about a need for a “ presidential council” for the new Malaysia. That is just superb!! KUDOS!!their role will be limited to monitor the president!! He he he..nice idea tun!

Nevertheless I have my own vision and dream too. :)

My definitive mission n vision statement;
a. Three institutions, the family, religion, and the schools, are pillars that elevate society and educate people in the principles that create order in society. If you destroy these institutions, then chaos will eventually ensue in society. The “corrupted politicians” is working hard at destroying each of these institutions today.i.e. eating away all the fund!
b. When there is unrestrained chaos, it is easier for the socialist(yes, there are evident of socialist reformer in malaysia) to sell his dream of greater government control. Therefore we must protect unity at all cost...
(I still remember my high school history teacher blabbing about malaysia is slowly turning itself into socialist country behind its shadow..that history lesson was 10 years i fully understand what he meant by that.and it took me 10 years to fully grasp its concept!..huhhh gripping!)
c. The Constitution is an historical, not a “living” document. The job of the judiciary is not to create new laws but to interpret the Constitution.
( this one from my close friend fariz..he said that all judge should be given special place in the society..i.e. no minggling!..what d ye think? I agreed to his idea!)
d. Survival success is caused by hard work, discipline, training, and natural ability. The greater survival success of a specific group does not mean that it has victimized another group that has achieved less success. It means that the group that has succeeded worked harder, had better discipline, training, and natural ability.
e. If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it. In other words, incentives work and they matter. If you incentivize a non-survival behavior like not working (as in welfare) you’ll get more of that behavior. If you penalize a survival behavior like creating a business or making money (as in progressive taxation) you’ll get less of it.
f. Industrialists and entrepreneurs do not victimize or oppress a person by giving him a job, they help him. Jobs do not appear out of thin air. They are created by industrialists or entrepreneurs seeing a market opportunity, creating a product or service, and figuring out how to market and sell it. This is a rare ability. Not everybody can do it. Therefore these people are valuable and should be encouraged and rewarded, not persecuted.
g. Profits are not obscene. Profits are good. Businesses are supposed to make a profit. In fact, they need to make a profit in order to survive.
h. We are a nation of immigrants. But since we did not steal our prosperity, we do not need to give it away to others as a way of propitiation or apology, especially to those who break the law to come here. Living in the most free and prosperous nation in the world is a privilege, not a right.
i. It is not a crime for people to live on earth and to become prosperous and survive well. The earth is not a fragile system that will break if we utilize its resources. So stop terrorizing federal lands for timber or whatever! Protect the environment in the face of global warming!!
J. Enough said


But sadly to say..i am just, too many politicians and lobbyists are spending Malaysia into ruin. We are nearly getting into a figure of a bizillllion dollars in debt as a nation. ( i might not get the figure right, but you can go to bank negara, and ask for full report.if not, just ask for the amount of debt)

We cannot continue to allow private banks, wasteful agencies, lobbyists, corporations on welfare, and governments collecting foreign aid to dictate the size of our ballooning budget. We need a new method to prioritize our spending. It’s called the Constitution of the New Malaysian Order!! I call it NEMO..yeah like the movie “finding nemo”. what a nice fish for malaysian. :)
Tun Mahathir has spoken about a need for a “ presidential council” for the new Malaysia. That is just superb!! KUDOS!!their role will be limited to monitor the president!! He he he..nice idea tun! ( cut the president wage, if he's late to in coming to works,, hows that?)..nice..the idea from cream de la cream ..

I, joseph fakihun, am just a free spirited wanderer, but I am not blowing my own trumpet here in my own blog!! I would like to see a positive changes in leadership and organizations that used mission and vision statements, tiered the concept throughout their organizations, down to the supervisor level, and successfully employed their vision driven strategic planning process and leadership development.
implementing vision driven leadership and the strategic planning process instituted at the supervisory level speeds up vision driven change.i.e. the speed of the boss is the speed of the team! It allows everybody to get on board faster with a better understanding of their need, performance expectations and contribution.

. In other words, someone with brighter minds need to make decisions for people

I see a new Morning in Malaysia. A future Morning in Malaysia. But only if we fight for the vision. So, Spread the vision. Send this article to friends. Talk about it. and That morning will come.

Disclaimer: The information presented and opinions expressed herein are 0.5 true. Those are my analytical mind..and i had spit my mind on my blog with honest intent :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Good Governance GG :)

Recent elections have been followed by governmental paralysis and corruption..( Nevermind the SPR). I must confess, there is good and evil out there. There is also competence and incompetence, and that make s a crucial difference in developing country i.e. Malaysia. Beneath the surface there was an undercurrent of concern. Even the UM NO optimists admitted that many problems were festering - especially rising income inequalities, rising prices, rising crimes++ and abuse of power.

A recent shift in political orientation is likely to prompt an equally important pro-opposition, swing in the pendulum of economic power, with the opposition coalition now in the control of 5 states, Malaysia is rising up its potential again. Among the topics now on the table are increased minimum wages, higher taxes on the energy industry, unsuccessful RMK-9++++ and better security and welfare. These are the early warning sign of the looming shift in Malaysia reward structure, away from the corrupted governance going to nation development and back toward the welfare of Malaysians.

The biggest risk is the rising threat of protectionism and cronyism, i.e. politicians throughout UMNO, GLC and umno-related backbencher’s business entrepreneur view this power shift as a serious threat to their income securities (and I must say, they were all pessimist) . To retain power, the main political party overlooks the paradigm shift of power towards extremism and “ Ketuanan Melayu akan disanggah” and a foreclosure of their “periuk nasi” i.e. source of income, and they are still resisting the political climate change.

The basic problem confronting the development world of “Malaysia today” is not an absence of democracy but an absence of governance….This is the CANCER that eating away at the lives of people across Malaysia.

Wealth and poverty has always co-existed, uneasily in Malaysia. Its affluent elites and self-satisfied cities , whether left or right, KL or JB , Penang or KK, have never shown much concern for the plight of those on the streets, national development and its people welfare. (e.g. forgotten victims of rimba jaya). In the future, I foresee that a “bloody” revolt will come along to jolt the nation into reality. Today of course, elections suppose to bring change without the intercession of the street. But these days, it is fair to ask: is politics delivering?

Malaysia and I are yearning for a strong leader, especially in such unpredictable times as these. It is the new age of turbulence revolution!

Today, by contrast, payments on Malaysia’s debt absorb virtually every cents of taxes, be it income tax or whateva tax revenue – leaving nothing to build new mega projects, hospitals and schools except by borrowing. After facing the deepest financial crisis (1997) , the question is whether a new generation of Malaysian leaders can arise – creative and charismatic type of people who can help build a new Malaysia alongside Tun mahathir’s compelling vision of 2020.

What kind of leadership does the nation need to lift itself out of the trap of low growth, high unemployment and high crimes persisting over the past Pak Dozy regime.????

Radical reform is clearly the answer. It should begin with a new doctrine of separations of powers ( honest elites and “Raja” must play their part too!), drawing a clear line between financial freedoms and individual economic choice,. While promising the Malaysians: Happiness, jobs, houses, social order, not to mention protection from everything they don’t like – crime, illegal immigration and poverty.

We don’t want a leader who think of himself as a reformer and constantly talks about amending vision that inhibit himself..( cari Ghazali konon..tahu la bapak kau ulamak..tapi kau dalam semak..wah wahh wahh)..He talks about GDP growth, but I don’t see it. Maybe the bankers and the corporates are doing well, but constructions and nations welfare development has not been. I am worse off now than 1997. Pity me : (

I fully understand that things are not quite that simple but what The people of Malaysians and the citizen of the world want are :- )

1. Increase the quality of governance with the emphasis on public sector reforms
2. Accountability and transparency in public service
3. Better standard of living
4. Better state of welfare and subsidy
5. High class education
6. Better standard of health
7. Uncompromising security and protection
8. Combating and eradicate corruption and abuse of power
9. Better legal and judicial system
10. Human rights is respected
11. Code of conduct in managing the affairs of states
12. Economic liberalism which constitute more investment
13. Better transportation..(he he..this is my only opinion)

So what is Governance???Governance defined as a management of society by the people or as the exercise of the authority to manage a country’s affair and resources. The perspective regarding governance structure is the relationship between “government i.e. authority” and the people’s interest. The quality and effectiveness of governance is crucial to national prosperity. Therefore good performance in terms of governance raises the likelihood of academic research and being eligible for aid which covers all of the standard elements of a political, judicial, economic, the people’s welfare and administrative nature. It is becoming increasingly complex to manage the public interest and service because these issues are becoming more national and involving stakeholder, that is why the people must be involve in deciding the policy-issue. So, we better watch out for the enemy of the good governance in Bribery, nepotism, lack of public accountability, corruption and the capture of public services by elites i.e. Capitalist and opportunist.

Money has never been a problem! The only problem is the corrupted governance!

Political issue has never been a problem! The only problem is the “imbecile” politicians who manipulated it!

Fortune and wealth has never been a problem! The only problem is the “greedy” people like former CM of Selangor!

The president has never been a problem! The only problem is lack of code and conduct to choose the right one! Having said that, I suppose future president of Malaysia must be elected bases on his merit, track-record, attitude, action-oriented, hard working, intelligent, charismatic, modest and able to make a good decision, willing to work overtime and the most important thing is, you must look at his CV first!. It takes time to choose the right leader and Malaysia will never have to face the sort of S@#t of Pak Dozy incompetence administration if we give Tun Mahathir the right time to choose his successor. All of Tun Mahathir’s hard work and vision has turned backwards now. Who to blame? Of course we are to blame! Our impatience has caused our nation dearly! ( Nasib baik lah Malaysia ni tak tergadai! )..

Think of it in the bigger picture : Without the new Malaysia, ASEAN will remain stuck 4eva!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fear of uncertainty: from an Idealist tinkerman

In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act...

I set on a journey to make a posting on my blog about whether or not there was a law requiring Malaysian (or any nationalities in this world ) to pay an income tax or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the "secret government" ?. There just too many case of irrelevant taxes in Malaysia ( or/in anyone else country for that matter ), don't you think malaysian??????????? ( people of the world???????? )...The process of discovery brought much more dangerous and frightening to my attention. It is not just the tax/zakat system itself…here it comes..

The small group of “corrupted and greedy” Jews banker and institution has slowly taking control over the world and has exert their authority to my beloved Malaysian government, the Jews understood whoever control the issue of money, “control” the government, such was the case with the United Stated of America. The decrease of currency value often occurs, the value of 1cent of 50 years ago its not the same value with 1cent of today. Our own country with no exception, encounters this situation as it is in the case that in 1997-1998. Malaysia government is slowly losing its grip to its nation because most politicians will sell their sold for a dollar. (Watch out for Tok Syeikh, KJ and Pak Dozy! They have befriended these Jews all along through their visionless foreign policy). I am most unhappy man, a once great industrial nation build by Tun Mahathir's vision is now slowly control by the system of credit. We are no longer a government by conviction and the vote of majority but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of corrupted dominant men..(and you alredyknow who they are!)..simple case study--> Sell the hospital to the jews and your hospital bill will increase!!!!, so what to do? Boycott that Hospital pantai!! yes..Boycott it!! only then we can establishe the "people power".

Think about it. Malaysians is slowly force to lower their standard of living by means that they are required to pay numerous tax/ufti/zakat . The power of tax is the power to destroy! Just think of how many tax you have to pay? From individual tax e.g. parking tax +++ to government tax e.g.road tax+ toll+etc. The list was endless, and most people just obey and pay. They do not see where the money goes and yet they submit to it..

The government of today (i.e. Pak Dozy and his 40 “hyenas” cronies ) response is quite cynical. The taxpayers money goes to the protection of our country for service e.g. education, military, national interest, national safeguard and protection and other nonsense service which we don’t see where the money goes for the benefit to the people of Malaysia. When we the "miskin" people say the economy is worsening i.e. the price of everything is increasing, then pak Dozy replies with the GDP of country is getting better, increasing 5 to 8% perannum..What the heck was that kind of answer???? you see all muslim,,in the golden Caliph Umar era, He went out at night to see his rakyat and he stumbled upon this mother, cooking Stones in a pot, pretending shes cooking, so that his daughter can fall asleep with an empty stomach.. I am saddened by the fact that yesterday 15 August 2008, I witnessed 360 documentary of Poor Young Muslim Malaysian mother scrapping for food in a “tong sampah” with a little help from his daughter. What happened to wang Zakat? Is it not enough to be circulated among the poors in Malaysia? ( Must be the Baitulmal management then )..huhhh..and you Pak Dozy, dont have to care for your people welfare ehh?? one less hungry mouth on the welfare..You see the new and old ways wasnt working, so its on to them to do what they have to,, to scrapping food in a trash!!

Wang Zakat in Malaysia suppose to be enough for its purpose if distribute equally! The Kafir has carbon copy the zakat system and change/integrate it into their tax system. The Jews hath even perfected the zakat i.e. tax system towards their father and grandfather dream to control the world. Worst case----> The al-saud family collected the zakat/tax from the pilgrimage i.e. hj and hjjh .It is circulated around 500Billion a year! The money is enough to help their counterpart Islamic nation e.g. to feed the neighbouring “famine” country of Sudan, to develop poor Islamic country and to assist their muslim's welfare.. It is a conspiracy at the highest level against Islam..the al-saud took the money for themselves and use it as they please. They ignored the welfare of muslims all over the world. The Islamic country needs a revolution now! We must topple the al-saud family created by the kaffir! (Lawrence of Arabia anyone? This f@#$%ng Lawrence succeded in his mission to divide the muslim into territorial means in middle east and gave the power of governance to al-saud and his family members..His corrupted family members also succeded to control the government in Yaman and UAE).(one more thought--> al-saud has granted the entry of Pork/babi to the holy land of arab Saudi for its American counterpart soldiers.)

Nevertheless, I want to get to the fundamental of this fraudulent “income tax system in Malaysia” it goes..

Tax…What is Tax/Zakat actually? The word “Income” defines --> Gains and profit, gains from activity. Mostly, It’s a gain from corporate activity.

"Tak cukupkah kita muslim bayar zakat setahun sekali and other zakat for that matter!"
I dont mind to pay an income tax, but there is just too much taxes around!!

I believe a man’s labour its his private property, when I work with somebody, it’s a trade, its an exchange..its like “ I do some work, you give me some money”. i.e. personal labour and other service are exchange for money or other forms of property..Nowadays Malaysian “ tax system” is a force to extract money from you! The Malaysian government through LHDN and +++ selectively audited taxpayers who were poor and vulnerable..e.g.The local council e.g. DBKL = when you owe them money , no matter what you have , they’ll take it away from you…Isn’t it? Loads of people have been abused!!.

How this happen? How do Malaysia transformed itself from truly free country, where individual right is protected by its constitutional really was not the case anymore..Anyway,,Do you know the law that we Malaysian have to pay an income tax.. if you know, Show it to me then..

The "Malaysian and World" rabbit hole goes deeper!

The government borrow money from private corporations/private bank using the name of “Malaysia state government MSG”. Then, government pays back to the “MSG” .The money that comes from the government to pay these corporation/private bank institution is the money that comes from you and me..The bigger picture is, Government works for private bank/institution, and the private bank/institution works for its owners i.e. the people of the top. The people at the top treat it like a “crab game”. They making a lot of money. Occasionally somebody at the table shoot each other. But the moment anything threatened their “Crab game” they all united to protect it. They were controlled by FINANCIAL ECONOMIC CORPORATE INTEREST. When the bank comes into the picture and forms partnership with government . the government then give legal power to bank, to create a bank issue/money/bond or whateva.
Most people spends the great bulk of their money for taxes, interest and inflation and all 3 source of money goes to the group that can prize this cartel and their “partner” and “government”. Its not coincidence.. Remember. The Jews are mastered in bribing people and most Malaysian politicians sell their soul for a Dollar.

Watch out for KJ..he is learning his trade in Journalism and Investment banking! From who? You may ask..

How to tackle this $#!t

The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. Creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of government and it greatest creative opportunity. Adopting these principles will save taxpayers immense sum of interest and money cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. When person borrows money, it make them servant for the lender. “Credit card industry give a lot of money for government “ and The private bank/institution created money out of thin air i.e. paper and plastic.

Originally paper or receipt was use and is evident of the money exist, Over the years of course has disconnected the paper from the actual tenderable substance which is money, so now we have a piece of paper which is evidence of..nothing

In the past, people were able to take their receipt and paper to the bank and get their real money.i.e. The gold in exchange of the receipt. This limited the amount of money that can be printed, thereby protecting the purchasing power

In the absence of gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through Inflation. There is no safe store of value.. Therefore Gold stands as a protector of property right!

The wide practice of riba by the using of printed money is considered as a weapon employed by the enemies of Islam to dominate the Muslim's economy. Besides that, this paper will on evolution of currency, the issues of the genuine money as well as the position of today's money is just a thin air...the small group of corrupted Jews has perfected the art of creating something from deception..

“The Islamic country can also create their own common currency. This should not belong to any country because it would give undue advantage to the country whose currency is accepted as the trading currency of the Islamic nationsRecently there was a proposal to create a gold dinar which can have specific value in the currencies of different Islamic countries. All the Islamic countries must have a share in the international Islamic dinar as a trade currency and as national reserves. The dinar must be in gold and not paper. How practical this will have to be dealt with later when the volume of trade becomes big. Effectively the use of the Islamic dinar will create an Islamic trading bloc. Such a trading bloc will be a powerful voice in International trading regimes and the shaping of the new financial architecture"Malaysia Prime Minister i.e. Tun Mahathir, 25 June 2001..

Sadly pak Dozy has abolished dinar emas. ( I just do not know what he is up to next?)

Case study--->As a consequence of currency crisis in Asia, in first of 1997, then Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Mahathir bin Mohamad proposed an introduction of Islamic gold dinar as currency for international trade in the "Muslim" world. It was supposed to suppress the too overly traded American dollar and ensure that dollar's instability does not affect international trade because Islamic gold dinar was to be tied to price of gold and thus provide stable value of the currency. Mahathir announced that Malaysia was to start using the dinar in mid-2003, but when in 2003 Pak Dozy replaced him as Prime Minister of Malaysia, this idea was halted full stop.

Say NO to paper!
“paper is poverty”
The corrupted Jews try to take Malaysian gold (lil by little)and in return give us paper!
Save the Malaysian the Malaysian gold!
Save the pahang gold! save the kelantan gold! save the johor gold! save the sarawak gold!
Stop shipping the gold to Uk and the USA for good!!!
Read history and you will understand that the Jews of yesterday are the evil forefathers of the even more evil Jews of today: infidels, falsifiers of words, calf worshippers, prophet murderers, deniers of prophecies ... the scum of the human race, accursed by Allah, who turned them into apes and pigs ... These are the Jews – an ongoing continuum of deceit, obstinacy, licentiousness, evil, and corruption
That’s why yesterday I saw at 360“Seorang ibu di Kuala Lumpur Cari Makanan Dlm Tong Sampah” ... you know what i mean? there are many people in malaysia living below poverty it in the city or the village.
here for some thought and inspiration,
" keuntungan hanya akan dinikmati diantara kaum kaya tanpa sedikit pun manfaat bagi kaum miskin " Riwayat at-Tarmidzi
Saba jela ..kiamat memang dah dekat pun!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A brief overview of Tok Syeikh : Present and Past and who knows what future hold?

KAJANG, April 12 2008 -- Only the Israelis will vote for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim if he is going for the prime minister's post, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. "Well, the Haaretz (Israeli newspaper) thinks that he is going to be the prime minister. It is the only paper in the world which thinks he is going to be the prime minister and I think he is the prime minister that the Israelis will vote for," he told reporters at a Malay leadership forum here today. Dr Mahathir said this in response to a question whether Anwar had the credibility to become a prime minister in the next one or two years time. Responding to a foreign journalist who said that Anwar received a big majority in Parliament in the recent general election, Dr Mahathir :" He (Anwar) didn't get this huge majority that you mention. "(It is not) because people like him.. (it) is just because Umno lost or the Barisan (Nasional) lost and they (the voters) had to show their protest by voting for the opposition. It is not because he is popular," Dr Mahathir said. -- MORE MAHATHIR-ANWAR 2 (LAST) KAJANG He cited that in 1999, with the black eye and all that, Anwar won only five seats. "You know he had to suffer a black eye to get five seats. And in 2004, he had one seat. See! he is not popular." "In fact, in some meetings of Umno, the moment you mention his name there is an immediate uproar. Once when a person suggested that he should be accepted back in Umno, he was nearly given the third degree treatment...they wanted to assault him or something like that. That's how much people feel for him," Dr Mahathir said. Therefore, he said Anwar should not delude himself by thinking that "he is very popular".

SHAH ALAM, April 13 -- Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today denied any association with Israel or Jews, and described as defamatory a statement by former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that only Israelis would vote for him if he was going for the prime minister's post. "This is defamatory. I have never met any Israeli leader and neither have I paid for the services of any Jewish lobbyist," the PKR de facto leader told reporters here when asked to comment on Dr Mahathir's statement yesterday. Dr Mahathir, when asked whether Anwar had the credibility to become prime minister in the next one or two years, had said that the "Haaretz" (Israeli newspaper) was the only paper in the world which thought that Anwar was going to be the prime minister and that he (Dr Mahathir) thought that he (Anwar) was the prime minister that the Israelis would vote for. Anwar said today that Dr Mahathir should pay attention to his health. He said Dr Mahathir might be too tired and confused, and continued to criticise him. He said he had refrained from responding to the criticism but felt that this time it had gone too far. Asked about his reported plan to contest in a by-election for a seat to be vacated by any of the PKR members of parliament, Anwar said: "I have said that this is not a priority because Pakatan Rakyat (PKR, DAP and PAS) are administering five states and much work has to be done in fulfilling our pledges."

Anwar Ibrahim and Al Gore's Racist Assault On Malaysia ( history of the past )

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had,what many saw, as a too-close-for-comfort tie with the Americans.With Anwar making a political comeback and campaigning in Ijok, here is a reminder. The former deputy prime minister is aggressively campaigning for his staunch support Khalid Ibrahim, who was one of his biggest cronies in Corporate Malaysia when he was way up there. Anwar has also been accusing the current DPM of kickbacks with regards to the purchase of defence equipment for the country from the Russians. Is Ijok seeing a America vs Russia proxy war? No, that's silly. But it sounded proposterous when Anwar was trying to prove how close he was to the IMF a decade ago. Shortly before his arrest in September 1998, Anwar had twice summoned editors of the local media to his office at the Finance Ministry, then in Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur.I was with TV3 English News and the station's director of operations gave us the directives after he attended "Tok Shiekh's" briefing ( yet, years later Anwar accuses the current media of not being "free").

During those meetings, Anwar emphasized two things:

1.. that we can trust IMF because "Camdesus is a family friend" (Michel Camdesus was the IMF managing director, the guy who stood triumphantly behind Suharto after Indonesia "surrendered" to the IMF during the 1997 financial crisis).
2..that Dr Mahathir, his boss, was getting senile and least irrational, and everything the PM was doing was detrimental to the economy and the ringgit.
by Michael Billington April 13, 2007

It is no surprise to find Al Gore campaigning today against the“threat” of global warming allegedly posed by industrialization in both the “developed” and underdeveloped worlds, to anyone familiar with the history of his racist, anti-development, imperialist relations with Malaysia.

Here is a brief overview:

In November 1998, President Clinton had to skip an important meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) in Kuala Lumpur, due to a military crisis in the Balkans (which had been instigated by Al Gore and his pal Richard Holbrooke). Clinton sent Vice President Al Gore in his place to represent the United States. Only two months earlier, Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad had implemented currency controls and fixed currency rates to counter the attack on the Asian currencies by George Soros and his fellow hedge fund speculators. Clinton had been considering a new international financial architecture, which would have seen the Malaysian move towards currency controls as a possible model for developing nations to protect themselves within a new monetary framework. However, rather than building the needed relationship between the United States and Malaysia, Gore launched a public assault on Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir, and in defense of the deposed former Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who had defended the IMF’s conditionalities and rejected Dr. Mahathir’s controls. As Finance Minister (and Deputy Prime Minister), Anwar had implemented an “IMF austerity policy without the IMF”, before Dr. Mahathir dumped him.

‘We Should Fry Him’
Gore was the featured speaker at the APEC forum on Nov. 16 1998, sharing the podium with Dr. Mahathir. Outside the conference center, anarchists supporting deposed Anwar were rioting in the streets, making calls to bring down the government. Claiming that Malaysia could not protect his security, Gore demanded that the hotel management shut down the air conditioning, to prevent terrorists from putting poison in the ventilation system. Then, before a sweaty audience, Gore incited the anarchists, “Democracy can give the stamp of legitimacy that reforms must have in order to be effective, and so, among nations who suffer economic crises, we continue to hear calls for democracy, calls for reform, in many languages. People power. (Reformasi). We hear them today, right here, right now, among the brave people of Malaysia.”

International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz called it “the most disgusting speech I’ve heard in my life,” while Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (now the Prime Minister) said “Malaysia finds the incitement by the U.S. government to lawlessness by certain elements within the country, to use undemocratic means in order to overthrow a constitutionally elected government, most abhorrent. "Malaysians do not take kindly to sanctimonious sermonizing from any foreign quarter, especially the United States, a country which is known to have committed gross violations of human rights”.

Dr. Mahathir was more direct “We should fry him. Al Gore does not love Malaysia nor its people. Al Gore and his government only wants to manipulate and control our country”.

Gore did not apologize, but told Russian Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov (another target for Gore’s intended “regime change”), “That is the American message and I am proud to deliver it here and anywhere go. Moving into the 21st century with a strong economy really requires democracy and self-government”.

Anwar’s Friends to the Rescue

When Anwar Ibrahim was convicted of corruption and sodomy (a crime in Malaysia) after a 14-month trial, in August 2000, his pal Al Gore, then in the heat of the Presidential campaign against George W. Bush, took time out of his campaign to speak out against the rule of law, “I am deeply disturbed by the verdicts handed down in Malaysia in the case of Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim…. The show trial [he was] forced to endure mocked the international standards of justice.”

Two days after the 1998 Gore tirade in Kuala Lumpur,the (Asian Wall Street Journal) offered the jailed Anwar Ibrahim their editorial page. Anwar showed his allegiance to the international financial institutions and to colonial policy, “Instead of pointing the finger at speculators and blaming ‘unrealistic demands’ set by international agencies acting as lenders of last resort, Asian nations would do well to put their houses in order first”, he wrote.

Asian nations must end “ambitious plans for outlandish projects” commit themselves “to wiping out corruption and nepotism”, remove tariff barriers and eradicate “subsidies, monopolies and favoritism. So many vested interests are at stake.

Unless the gale of creative destruction is unleashed on these rent-seeking and parasitic corporate activities [i.e., national industries], the Asian economy will never regain its past vigor.”

A few weeks later, speculator George Soros returned the favor in a speech at Johns Hopkins, calling for Anwar to be released, while accusing Dr. Mahathir of supporting his “cronies” at the expense of the economy, concluding “So I think what needs to happen is, he needs to be removed from power”.

When Anwar was released from prison in 2004, he was greeted by his two closest allies in the West, Al Gore and Paul Wolfowitz, who was then at the center of running a military version of “regime change” in Iraq. It was probably Wolfowitz who arranged for Anwar to get a position at the Johns Hopkins University School for Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, where Wolfowitz had previously been the dean. Anwar also got a position at St. Anthony’s College in Oxford, England, where he met with Gore, who was by this time running his hedge fund in London, the Generation Investment Management. Anwar also spent time with his old friends from the British oligarchy, Chris Patten and Gordon Brown.

Returning to Washington, Anwar found another lucrative position working for Wolfowitz at the World Bank, imposing conditions on developing nations that reject his warped form of “democracy.” He also took on the leadership of a project sponsored by Dick Cheney and Cheney’s daughter Liz, promoting “regime change” through subversion in the Arab world, called “Foundation for the Future.”

When Paul Wolfowitz had to find a place to send his girlfriend because of a potential conflict of interest at the World Bank, Anwar took her in with open arms, turning his “anti-corruption” head the other way when Wolfowitz corruptly arranged to pay her a bloated tax-free salary on the World Bank tab. Wolfowitz may be out of a job as a result.

In February 2006, Gore shared the stage with Anwar at the Jeddah Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia. This year, Gore is sharing another position with a different Malaysian, which he might find less satisfying - both he and Dr. Mahathir have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In Gore’s case, he is clearly campaigning for the “Peace of the Grave” for millions of the world’s poor.
Best leaders lead by demonstrating how it done..So what do you think about tok syeikh?? am very much confused!!! ( Personally, I do not like people who are tolerating too much with outsider )
" you cannot train a horse with shouts and expect it to obey whisper"

Monday, April 14, 2008

There's Small Choice in Rotten Apples

Pak Dozy is defying critics and dissidents who want him to resign immediately in the wake of recent massive election losses..following the imminent lack of support from um no party members, Pak Dozy is preferred to seek advice on government and party matters from "Outsiders" such as family members including his little Napolean i.e. KJ, rather than his own cabinet and um no supremo council members..

At last,,Pak Dozy has spoken after a long "2 weeks" silence,,bugger!!! ---------->

"There are some who say (I should quit) as soon as possible. There are some who say 'not so much in a hurry.' Let me just listen. I have two ears. I am not deaf,"

and he also said that -------------->

"Of course I want the transfer to be smooth. That's very important. I do not want to leave the party i.e. UM NO in a state of chaos. I would not say "Najib, good luck. That's your problem, not mine.' That's not the way,"

Pak Dozy statements somehow indicate that he realizes his days in office are numbered although he says he won't quit "suddenly"..The tide is turning..the transition period is in a brink..i suppose the transfer of power will be completed by next year at the um no AGM .. somewhere around december..fuhhh..oohhh...Please god make it quick.. amin


it could be another drama play by Pak Dozy and his lobbyist, after all, he already mastered the art of denial and pulling a bull@#$% out of a hat..KJ must be sweating all over and he must have had a recurring nightmare every now and then..But..KJ is just not an ordinary malaysian man, i bet he still have some trick left up on his sleeves..( watch out!!) after all he had a lot of fortunes ( circulated nearly to 800mill ) and, nowadays money talks..thats why we, the the nationalist front mustnt take KJ out of our sight..We need to teach this boy a real good lesson!! find his fault fast and exploit it !!! (btw...Do somebody else know the rifgt punishment for treason? )


Najib is waiting in line for future presidency..Dont let "Najib" be!..HIs late father is a gift to all Malaysian but Najib is just the curse fr malaysia..just imagine..Malaysia will be turning upside down, inside out and stead,, demote him..n i said this from the bottom of my heart..( "just lantik naJIB AS mALAYSIAN AMBASSADOR TO MONGGOLIA" )..THAT will SUIT HIM WELL..ha ..ha..( menteri pertahanan ni dh la di katakan kaki judi n kaki pompuan..penat ahh..klu die ni jadi PM..tak kan tak boleh pikir?..malaysia kan boleh...)

I, by the name of joseph fakihun, would really like to see uncle YIDIN come to the Picture..He had loads of experience and he can make a decision himself..he had a handsome track record to prove that..n most important thing is, he had the CHARISMA and Aura..a very much like the "aura of Mawi" :-) ...UMNO should return back to the womb of its mother! UMNO should return back to where it the fartherland..precisely,,umno must make a return back, to Johor..


p/s: I still remember the day when Pak Dozy had "halau" us, the 100 of Kg Rimba Jaya villagers from his office in Putrajaya, That day, we pledge and seek your intervention regarding Our village status..You r our last hope after so many people has turned us down..and yet you ushered us out..

but on the other hand we had created a history...we r d one who pioneered "a small tunjuk perasaan" in front of your office at Putrajaya...

tsik..tsikk.tekk..tsikk -------------> ha betul cakap cicak tu..


Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Kaduk naik junjung" - Greed, Deception and Hypocrisy

Tun Mahathir has quoted ------>

"The BN government has become a government of Abdullah's family members. He (Abdullah) can deny it but we know what (his son-in-law) Khairy is doing. "

Despite ongoing call and pressure for Pak Dozy to resign..Pak Dozy said he will not resign and will continue Barisan Nasional’s struggle ( what struggle? )..Pak Dozy still didn't realize that he is unwanted by many malaysians..It is not BN struggle anymore, in stead, it is his own struggle to cling for power..He had many scandalous case under his belt..He is incapable of being a good leader..his foreign policy is just too shabby..sometimes i wonder, does he never receive a good education?..ha ha..

We know now, of course, that any suffering by the people of Iraq had more to do with Kofi Annan, and Co. in the "oil for food" scandal..Pak Dozy also come to the picture as well..The UN Security Council started the Oil-for-food program in 1996 to allow Iraq to sell enough oil to pay for food and other necessities for its population, which was suffering under strict UN sanctions imposed after the first Gulf War..Pak Dozy willingly works with Yahudi and gets 6% contract alongside Switzerland and Syria..As usual Pak Dozy lied and denied that he had something to do with the stinking bussiness with the yahudi..he denied doing anything more than signing papers endorsing people in business..The report traced payment of US$10 million by Mastek Sdn Bhd, originally registered as a sawn timber company and a dormant company revived by Abdullah’s sister-in-law Noor Asiah Mahmood, her ex-husband Faek Ahmad Shareef and businessperson Jaya Sudhir..

That is also the case with Patrick Lim whom being brandished "Patrick Badawi" by Tun Mahathir..Currently uncle Lim held the position as Taman Equine executive chairman..Just Think of uncle lim as a misdemeanour "Donald Trump"..a real property developer and a tycoon..Maybe Pak Dozy "terhutang budi" to uncle Lim because uncle had sponsored former Pak Dozy wife, the late Pn Endon to undergoes breast cancer treatment in the USA..the rumour about the bill is circulated around USD1million.. (the best treatment on the table )

Tun Mahathir also has quoted------>
“This Patrick Lim is Patrick Badawi,”

and reveal an OPEN SECRET for all Malaysian..------>
“This is the new constitution that is changed without the knowledge of Parliament. The new constitution says the son-in-law and Patrick are ruling Terengganu,”

subheading:Lim's your uncle...not Bob ok!!!
Needless to say, Uncle Lim is the one who profited the most from the bond he formed with Pak Dozy..In return of Uncle Lim Favour Pak Dozy has awarded the RM25 billion Penang Global City Centre project to Abad Naluri - a 25 percent-owned associate firm of Taman Equine which is wholly owned by developer Equine Capital..Pak Dozy also awarded Masjid Lim Kristal project to uncle Lim and a "personality of the year" in the monsoon cup, again to the infamous uncle many aaa..

Pak Dozy foreign and internal policies is just too dangerous to national interest..He is doing everything as he likes..and as he saw fit..and as were told by his in law..Tun Mahathir had done All the hardwork to uplift the good names of Malaysia in condemning the Zion, even Tuan guru Nik Aziz has praised him on that..

It is the other way around when Pak Dozy comes into ruling power..Pak Dozy has formed a very closed ties with Yahudi in Scomi..( the way ,do you know scomi funded George "monkey" Bush political campaign?)..then Pak Dozy went on revamping my beloved NST ( do you know all 13 editorial staff has been fired and replaced by singaporeans, with a little help from Kali and Brendan of course, shoot, why singaporeans? what??no good Malaysian editor left..ehh? ))..he changes the Malaysian foreign policies that are too pro Singapore, the US, the British and the Australians.. starting on that day onwards, the credibility in the prime news was diminished!..the newspaper is only good to wipe your a#$..... :)

The "Imperialist" were all waiting to colonize Malaysia under The New World Order..
so..If Pak Dozy stay..( will know what are the consequences)


Saturday, April 12, 2008

The time is right for palace decree

Anak, cucu, cicit kita akan tergadai!!! how is that sound to you? Do you think the time is right for Palace revolution?..I mean ..we have the best Agong ever..but we have the worst PM!!!look at the pages of history of Agong...We never had a better one..up until now..It still remain to be seen for the newly elected Agong to fully excercise his power!..yeah..banish him, the "dozy" to the no mans land..

Umno members is confused right now, right from top level to grass root level..My sympathy goes to all of Umno's grasst root..they dont know nothing except for what happen in their daily life and work..what they know and will do in the name of democracy is vote umno once for every 5 years, in a period of 10 days the prime media and radio constantly bombarding malaysians with rhethoric and false persuasion i.e. political campaign..then pemimpin turun bagi duit pada grass root..suruh gantung banner..gantung and bagi duit kopi..bagi tau rakyat umno this n that..kalau umno tk perintah,rakyat tak boleh makanlah..Umno for bangsalah ..Umno for Agamalah.....whateva!..

Take a Look at pak "Dozy"..He is unfit to be a PM, you have to make a thousand decision every now and then..As far as i am concern, Pak dozy is incapable of doing that..He is not utilising his office in Putrajaya to its full capacity (masuk kerje pun lambat..buang duit je bayar RM25,000 sebulan kat die ni)..He is letting his family member manipulate him willingly..(ini mcm kobau dah kono cucuk hidung!)..everybody know he is being manipulated by "you know who"..In charting his political future, "you know who i.e. KJ" is quite clear, thanks to a little help from father-in-law, his rise in politic is monumental..he has master mind some high profile "political assasination" through journalism and prime media and plotting his next move on Umno youth chief post, Najib and ++++(and the list goes on and on)..he is amassing loads of wealth through systematic journalism and investment banking..and systematically hijacking other's bussiness proposal as well, such as the case of "Halal Hub"2002.. Halal hub is the brainchild of my close friend khairil..and he forcely bought his idea for mere RM10,000..just think lah? Halal product generated a revenue of 500million euro per annum in europe alone!!! and about quarter of the world population is using halal product everyday!!!!..The "halal hub" fiasco is k.j. first attempt in amassing money..only then i realized that his agenda in politic is not a pure one..He's in it for the money!..Don't you agree reader???

Pak Lah IN laws-sold the national company to singapore and get lucrative comission..why sell?..more money of course..


2 march 2004..ECM Temasek holding..(Sold asset and share of telekom malaysia to Temasek..150million of share worth RM1.15B) -this is startegic field for national security..i.e.telecomuniation..Why sell?..

26 may 2005..Hospital Pantai, KL(29% of the hospital own by finance minister i.e. Pak Dozy)..Avenue capital resources berhad..sold hospital to.. parkway holding..( Parkway then sells it to Zion(i.e.New Breach) for 312million singapore dollar...Richard blum(yahudi) own Parkway share worth 627 million..)

In the early 2005..ECM Libra("menantu pak" lah proposed) through sell felda asset to "bangsa asing"..felda is massive man!!!..possesing mammoth share in Maybank & asset in MISC equivalent to RM2000million..undisclosed bussiness!!!

Malaysia has been infested by Yahudi through an act of treason..
Next plot -----> REITS in IDR i.e w.p.i. .....sovereignity for money..
anak cucu tergadai lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Morning Coffee talk

I heard this talk mongering about the new possible upcoming Prime Minister of Malaysia taken place in a "kedai kopi" ..Nowadays people like to talk about politics openly without evr thinking its consequences., even in a "kedai kopi"..interesting conversation!.guess what..I heard somebody mentioning the name "Ku Li"..The question Is..Is this man fit to replace Pak Dozy?.

Something About KU LI

Ku li once dreaming to be a Prime Minister but his passive stance in political campaign strategy saw him lost to Musa Hitam..In the eve of defeat he went on to open up a new party (i.e Semangat 46..1989..oh by the way 1946 refers to the year umno was originally founded!)..This man is undeniably much older than Pak Dozy but i must confess Ku Li (1937) had more substance, agenda and integrity..This prince is a major political figure in uncle to the current queen of Kelantan..a product of Malay College Kuala Kangsar and Queens University of Belfast(1959)..Ku Li is a master in Economics..this is illustarted by his high profile portfolio as a Finance Minister in 1980's..even the "Illuminati" likes him..AVOC anyone?

Ku li has Quoted ----> “…lately a few people were trying to raise issues regarding the contract like the position of Islam as the official religion of the federation and special privileges for Malays, as if these were not agreed upon when it was made when the nation gained independence in 1957. If the guarantees laid out in it cannot be protected, a situation worse than May 13, 1969 (racial riots) may arise”..................(Lina joy i.e Azlina Jailani anyone?,,does it rings any bell?)..This issue of social contract has become a new dilemma for Malaysians Muslim..something bad has happened in the midst of 2008..Persatuan Melayu Kristian telah sah ditubuhkan...the Christian's malay society went on and submitted 15 ridiculous memorundum to Pak Dozy..

Ku li is a brilliant man..just brill!!..He seeks policy change in everything to remedy the crippling national politics issue..He has spoken about the need of policy change in Umno (i.e to make umno more appealing to malaysians), Crooked Bridge. Proton's failure to car market..++ etc

In a nutshell..the "morning coffee" conversations lingered around the new era of colonization that will taken place in Malaysia..and I am very much afraid to know the the fact beyond the truth..In my opinion the best bet for future Presidency lies within Yi din, Anwar and Mukhriz..

The political scenario in Malaysia is worsening..
"Melayu semakin hilang di dunia"


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep..Holy Rabbit..

What happened to these cases of endless corruption and abuse of power? Who is running the show for Anti Corruption Agency (BPR)?..Nobody has been prosecuted so far..Hmmmm…You see,, Tunku Abdul Rahman..Even Your Brainchild “i.e. BPR” is corrupted now or should I say incompetence on the face of wealth and money..

Former Selangor Menteri Besar Khir Toyo topped the list of 25 high-profile corruption cases in the country, with the highest number of reports lodged with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) against him. A quick check showed that at least 10 complaints had been filed with the ACA over the past seven years against Mohd Khir, who was appointed menteri besar in August 2000. Other prominent figures that had been repeatedly subjected to ACA and police reports - some of which were lodged as far back as 1992 - included Works Minister S Samy Vellu, Pahang Menteri Besar Adnan Yaakob, Kelantan Umno chief Annuar Musa, ex-prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and ex-transport minister Dr Ling Liong Sik.

The list is not exhaustive as the check was based only on cases that had been reported by malaysiakini in the past seven years. Among the complainants who had made police and ACA reports against Mohd Khir included media activist Ahmad Lufti Othman, Lufti, who had doggedly pursued cases against Mohd Khir with the relevant authorities, had filed so many reports that he could not remember the exact number. (…I think you r wasting your life and times on this issuance of gratification towards khir “tempe” poyo..come on better wake up now!!!nobody will prosecute khir poyo..and never assured lutfi..He,,I mean Khir poyo still have to face the justice of the sustainer of the cosmos in the here-after..isn’t it?)

Lutfi had first lodged a report against the menteri besar in 2001 and this was followed by about five to seven reports, which either provided for additional details or new allegations of graft. Lufti had alleged that Mohd Khir abused his power in the awards of land and government projects worth over RM100 million to a few cronies (e’g Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam anyone??..does it ring any bell???). Meanwhile, other individuals have made reports alleging Mohd Khir of being involved in cronyism and nepotisme as well as his role is several cases such as the missing RM4.52 million Batu Caves temple fund.

Logging concessions

ACA also had been told to probe the former Kedah and Perak state governments, both over logging concessions, Klang Municipal Council on wasteful expenditures and the Seberang Perai Municipal Council on questionable awarding of contracts. There had been no news from the anti-corruption agency on several major scandals such as the RM19 billion bond scandal in the Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad, a government-linked company, since it was first disclosed in 2001.

There has also been little new developments on the ACA report lodged against Ahmad Johan in 2003, president of aviation defence company Airod which holds major contracts with the Royal Malaysian Air Force. Airod was said to have paid RM5.7 million to a company set up by Ahmad and his son.

The police force, which has been found to be the most-corrupted agency was not spared either. Its Selangor CID chief Abu Bakar Mustafa was called for ACA investigation over alleged abuse of power in a case involving a woman and a loan shark.

Money politics

Meanwhile, opposition party DAP lodged a report last year calling for investigation against all Umno members that had been suspended for money politics after the ACA classified vote-buying as an offence under the Anti-Corruption Act 1997. Despite the ruling party argument that it was an internal matter, ACA had pointed out that money politics amounts to corruption and that under the Act, political parties are not immune to prosecution.

Prime “Dozy” Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had reportedly said the government would make public (Tipu ahh pak dozy..ko ni tak habis habis..tipu..tipu tipu..lepas tu tidur..lepas tu tipu..lepas tu pi Australia..pi Turkey..lepas tu tidur..lepas tu tipu balik..Aper lah!!!) the cases which have been cleared by the authorities. This is to prevent the public from waiting for a long time to hear the outcome of investigations into alleged corrupt cases and to avoid the perception among the people that corruption is widespread.

“We want to ensure justice is done in corruption cases. We cannot merely rely on perceptions?” the premier said in the Dewan Rakyat May (2004). (yeah right..pak have the title of “Mr Clean” until proven Guilty). He also vowed that the authorities would throw the book at those who are involved in corruption. So far only two notable public figures have been charged - former land and cooperative development minister Kasitah Gaddam and former Perwaja steel managing director Eric Chia.

Politicians cleared ( What the %&$#! )

On the same note, the authorities have cleared the former International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz, ex-Malacca chief minister Rahim Tamby Chik and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz of any wrongdoing. The decision to clear Rafidah and Rahim was particularly controversial as it had been widely reported that the Attorney-General's Chamber had enough evidence to persecute the duo..yeah i talks..

and i say " BPR i.e. ACA should be a free council i.e. badan bebas "



Malaysia dropped 0.2 points to 5.0 among the 146 countries surveyed in 2004, according to the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Malaysia was positioned at 39 with a score of 5 out of 10. In 2003, Malaysia was ranked 37 in a survey covering 133 countries, having scored 5.2 out of 10. What happen to the index for 2007..the answer its worse than the smell of @#$%…(enough said!)

Some useful Chronologies..

Penulis dakwa polis, ahli politik mahu sekat edaran buku mengenai Khir Toyo
3:18pm Wed Apr 06, 2005
Author: Police and politicians after me

12:00pm Wed Apr 06, 2005 Laporan polis terhadap MB S'gor kerana didakwa gagal tunai janji

06:47pm Mon Apr 04, 2005 Police report against Khir poyo over "promised land

05:05pm Mon Apr 04, 2005 Bukit Cahaya: Lawyer says PM can act against MB

12:28pm Sat Mar 19, 2005 "Give homes to the poor, not bungalows for excos

06:23pm Wed Mar 16, 2005 Lutfi: Still no news from ACA on reports against Khir

06:17pm Mon Mar 14, 2005 Teng: State assembly did not approve budget for bungalows

03:25pm Fri Mar 11, 2005 Pemuda PAS akan mengadap Sultan S'gor minta Khir Toyo dipecat

2008: Khir poyo lost his post as CM of Selangor.. ( fuhh..finally!!..the tempe effect has taken its toll)....

sing along ...(empatbelas haribulan tiga, dua ribu lapan, haribulan Selangor Merdeka...merdeka..merdeka!!!)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Don't cry for me Rimba Jaya

who want to know the truth?

yes..put your hands down now..It is becoming an "open secret" that all the prime media blackout on this Squatter issue!..and any high class coruption and abuse of power for that matter..Nowadays the truth can only be told in You Tube..I thank god for the existence of "you tube".

To know the truth one must go deep below the it comes!

Actually, this village ( Kg Rimba Jaya) has been given the land title from the late Sultan of Selangor to be developed by the "city settler" (1955)..At that time,,Shah Alam doesn't even exist..! I even saw the" jawi document " of it..when that jawi document was sent to Land District office for land reclamation,,( you can guess what happen next)..To my surprise, there are several private parties claiming the right for rimba jaya..and that included this one "Bankrupt" chinese bussinessman..for those who don't believe me, it won't bother me can see all the relevant document at Padang Mahsyar..the similar document was bestowed to the resident of Kg pasir..but the authority ( DBKL) questioned its legitimacy!

This is a classic example of greeds.

The former Selangor state administration has made a big mistake by invoking law and order of regulation 10 of the Emergency Ordinance before exhausting other procedures under the Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974 and Town and Country Planning Act 1976. Currently the notorious Essential (Clearance of squatters) Regulations 1969 is used rampantly to demolish and evict settlers. These Emergency law is used as it is easy to execute and give little chance to the settlers to fight back legally. This is a new order that only favour the Capitalist which make no sense at all (dah la berat sebelah plk tu). The state always favour the state coffers rather than the welfare of rakyat. On 12 March 2007, the former CM Mohd Khir Toyo decided to comfirm the status of 3,700 illegal factory in Selangor jurisprudence. Furthermore, the factory owner will be given 50% discount fee for the to change of their land premium factory status ( what? why are you so generous on these factory?hhmmm...must be the it?). It is not hard to think about the ever-so-well-relationship between the factory owner and the state Exco.

In contrast with the housing of city settler i.e" peneroka miskin," Factory built without proper planning (i.e. certificate of fitness), without the investigation and affirmation of Jabatan Alam Sekitar and other relevant government agency. .These 3700 factory polluted the environment and pose a security threat to the resident nearby. But, as usual,,everything can be sorted out between the Capitalist and the authority. The one that suffered are the rakyat of working class and "golongan miskin peneroka ".

On 4 April 2007, as much as 300 urban/city settlers from 12 villages - Kampung Rimba Jaya, Kampung Sri Kenangan, Kampung Papan, Kampung Fajar, Kampung Dato Harun, Kampung Chubadak, Kampung Spooner, Kampung KTM, Kampung DBI dan Kampung Sungai Siput - gathered in front of the palace of justice in Putrajaya to claim their right as a urban/city settler..but to no avail..

This is for you khir toyo..Kemarahan kami sudah tidak bertepi lagi..

we are not the 20% minority group!!!we are the last vanguard group of Rimba Jaya,,you cheated and tricked about 700 families of Kg Rimba Jaya through our bad ketua kampung..not only that you tricked them..after that you gave the order to smash the remaining 200 houses, a Surau and a Temple..without a court order!!!

I cannot do nothing less now Khir..!We as Kg Rimba Jaya villagers were developing this village for ages right after the land title was given by the late sultan of Selangor..and now you took it all away from us under the name of development.. I had expressed my concern with this "0- squatter" issue when you were in the bussiness trip in london(2001)..Remember!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best thing for me to do is to take a piss on your grave,,that is if you die before me..and if god take my life away before you..i'll ask my children to piss on your grave for 7 generation.. the way khir.. i knew how much money you gave to our bad "ketua kampung" for every family that moved out to PPRT HICOM kampung subang..

" Take the evil out of the people and they will be acting right "

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